Teaching first aid to our children at an early age can be very useful, and I as a doctor consider it very important, for this reason I enrolled my oldest son Matthias in a children and youth fire department, which is supported by the fire department and a prestigious university in my city.

Desde el inicio mi hijo a estado muy emocionado con cada una de las actividades, recuerdo que en la primera reunión de representantes con los coordinadores e instructores nos explicaron el plan de enseñanzas, entre los que se encontraban vendajes, toma de tensión arterial, cura de heridas menores, nudos, presentar los artículos de los bomberos, y otros, pero hubo una actividad que especialmente llamo mi atención, fue la de realizar un salto en Rapel, desde el hospital de mi ciudad, ya que acá son pocos los edificios y los que hay son privados, no prestan sus instalaciones para estas actividades.
From the beginning my son has been very excited with each of the activities, I remember that in the first meeting of representatives with the coordinators and instructors they explained to us the teaching plan, among which were bandages, blood pressure, healing of minor wounds, knots, presenting the articles of the firefighters, and others, but there was an activity that especially caught my attention, was to make a jump in Rapel, from the hospital of my city, since here there are few buildings and those that are private, do not lend their facilities for these activities.

Mi hijo Matthias es algo temeroso y aunque faltaba mucho tiempo para realizar esta actividad, lo fui preparando, al hablarle de que es el rapel, le enseñe videos, lo subí en el techo de la casa para que fuese perdiendo el miedo a las alturas, y siempre mee decía que el no iba a saltar, que se podía caer; le explique que para eso lo enseñaban a realizar los nudos especiales, que los bomberos tienen que ser valientes para poder rescatar a las personas, ya que ellos pertenecen a un cuerpo de seguridad que ayudan a las personas en peligro.
My son Matthias is somewhat fearful and although there was still a long time to do this activity, I was preparing him, talking to him about rappel, I showed him videos, I put him on the roof of the house so that he would lose his fear of heights, and he always told me that he was not going to jump, that he could fall; I explained to him that for that he was taught to make the special knots, that firefighters have to be brave to rescue people, since they belong to a security corps that help people in danger.

La respuesta de mi hijo siempre era que el quería ser bombero, pero que no iba a saltar, paso el tiempo y llegaron las clases de nudos, en donde les enseñaron a realizar su propia “pantaleta” este fue el termino que utilizo la instructora y como ellos conocen el amarre que realizan a su cuerpo, les enseñaron los arnés y como deben usarse, así con las cuerdas especiales, cascos, guantes y todo el equipo; estuve presente en una de esas clases y los instructores hicieron mucho hincapié al explicar a los brigadistas que para realizar esta actividad siempre se debía estar en compañía de un experto y con el equipo especial, que no se deben realizar en casa, bajo ningún motivo, ya que podrían tener un accidente.
My son's answer was always that he wanted to be a fireman, but that he was not going to jump, time went by and the knots classes arrived, where they taught them how to make their own "pantalette" this was the term used by the instructor and as they know how to tie them to their body, they taught them the harnesses and how they should be used, as well as the special ropes, helmets, gloves and all the equipment; I was present in one of those classes and the instructors made a lot of emphasis in explaining to the brigadistas that to perform this activity they should always be in the company of an expert and with the special equipment, that they should not be done at home for any reason, since they could have an accident.

Llegado el día del salto, los niños estaban muy emocionados, otros asustados, entre estos Matthias, una de las instructoras realizo el primer descenso y les explico nuevamente las técnicas de freno y que debajo estaría una persona con un freno en la cuerda por si alguno tenia un inconveniente, se vio la dedicación de cada instructor y las medidas de seguridad que tomaron, revisaron uno a uno los nudos de los niños y verificaban el buen uso de los equipos; Matthias al principio no quería saltar pero gracias a la paciencia de los instructores y luego de alunas lágrimas accedió al descenso, la verdad me sorprendí y me asuste, pero no tenía contacto con el, yo estaba junto al resto de los presentes en la parte de abajo, no se nos permitía estar arriba con los brigadistas, para evitar ponerlos mas nerviosos.
Arrived the day of the jump, the children were very excited, others were scared, among these Matthias, one of the instructors made the first descent and explained again the braking techniques and that below would be a person with a brake on the rope in case someone had a problem, the dedication of each instructor and the safety measures they took, they checked one by one the knots of the children and verified the proper use of the equipment; Matthias at first did not want to jump but thanks to the patience of the instructors and after some tears he agreed to the descent, the truth is that I was surprised and scared, but I had no contact with him, I was with the rest of those present at the bottom, we were not allowed to be up with the brigadistas, to avoid making them more nervous.

El descenso a realizar era desde el primer piso del hospital, desde abajo se veía sencillo, pero para los niños es algo que ameritaba mucha valentía y preparación, todos están muy comprometidos con la brigada y estaban concentrados en las indicaciones de sus instructores, uno a uno fueron pasando todos los niños; estaba una de las niñas brigadistas con un yeso en su brazo y no podía descender por si sola, pero decidieron poner en práctica una técnica llamada “Carolina” para que también cumpliera con el plan de practicas. Acá pidieron ayuda a los representantes y nos explicaron que este es un nudo especial que se realiza, y se coloca el gancho a dos cuerdas las cuales estarán abiertas y sostenidas por nosotros, a medida que vamos cerrando el paciente va bajando, todos muy emocionados ayudamos, luego la repitieron con otro niño, pero en está oportunidad los brigadistas fueron los encargados de sostener la cuerda, siempre siguiendo las instrucciones de los instructores, y con la ayuda de un representante en cada cuerda para evitar posibles accidentes.
The descent to be made was from the second floor of the hospital, from below it looked simple, but for the children it was something that required a lot of courage and preparation, they are all very committed to the brigade and were focused on the instructions of their instructors, one by one all the children were passing; one of the brigade girls had a cast on her arm and could not descend by herself, but they decided to put into practice a technique called "Carolina" so that she could also comply with the practice plan. Here they asked the representatives for help and explained to us that this is a special knot that is made, and the hook is placed on two ropes which will be open and held by us, as we are closing the patient is going down, all very excited we helped, then they repeated it with another child, but this time the brigadistas were responsible for holding the rope, always following the instructions of the instructors, and with the help of a representative on each rope to avoid possible accidents.

La actividad me pareció muy fructífera para los niños y también para los padres, me siento muy contento de que mi hijo pertenezca a esta brigada que estoy seguro le abrirá grandes caminos a su futuro como profesional, siendo esta una excelente carrera extracurricular o de tiempo completo, que le dará conocimientos para ayudar al que lo necesite; con esto se despide su amigo el Drhueso, hasta una nueva oportunidad.
The activity seemed very fruitful for the children and also for the parents, I feel very happy that my son belongs to this brigade that I am sure will open great paths to his future as a professional, being this an excellent extracurricular or full time career, which will give him knowledge to help those who need it; with this your friend Drhueso says goodbye, until a new opportunity.

Las imágenes son de mi propiedad, fueron tomadas con mi teléfono celular Tecno Spark 6 / The images are my property, they were taken with my Tecno Spark 6 cell phone.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
I think it is an excellent activity. I was never taught first aid in school and it is very important to learn it. What a great activity, I'm glad your son is participating in this and learning from a young age.
I didn't have the opportunity to do this type of activity either, so I didn't think twice, when I heard about the creation of the brigade I immediately found out about it and enrolled him. My son is happy and so am I, I have seen how much he has learned, besides they have taught him discipline, he will soon be graduating. Greetings brother!
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