Are you serious? Please tell me that he wasn't serious! You did say him, but, I knew it was because a woman would never say something that ignorant. It doesn't even matter if he is right, and you know what? He could be totally wrong.
Let's focus on the positives of this. You breastfed that baby for three months! When I was breastfeeding, they were excited for the first six weeks. You gave that baby a wonderful start! You nursed all your babies. Can I just say that as a mom with three stairsteps, I congratulate you! It was the hardest job I ever loved. I use the word job, but, it was something I was so passionate about.
I nursed my first for a year. I got mastitis time and again. I was three months pregnant when I stopped. Then it was a once day right before bed. A top off, if you will. The second I nursed for 9 months, but, she gave me up. LOL I tried to not be offended. What I am trying to say is that each baby is different and you have to do what is right for the situation. I felt like a failure, but, know I wasn't. Society or parts of it tried to make me feel incompetent when I had such a hard time with my first. The latching on, the letting down... It made me nervous just wondering why it didn't feel quite so natural. - until, one day, it did. I am so thankful for that bonding experience. Bonding isn't how long you do it, it is the act of connecting with each other. You can bond by cuddling your baby. You love all your children and go the extra mile to be such a good mom. Give yourself the credit you deserve. While giving them the start in life that is important, you did! And more. Geez, woman. Can you be my mommy? ❤️ You are so passionate and loving - not deserving of feeling less than the best. No reason to be jealous of anyone. You have to look at the big picture. In the scheme of things and your children's lives, I have not seen anyone quite as loving, comforting, open, helpful, smart, and all the words that won't come to my typing fingers at the moment. You are so loved and to be honest, never compare how long you did one and not the other. I remember the hell I went through and I think that God's hand was in all of the decisions. It wore on my body and I knew I had to stop. I would be no good if I was not well enough to care for them all. (I know you don't compare, I just meant that I am pretty sure they don't feel less loved because of it, so take that cue from them) Love to you. Always.
You will take care of this baby and figure out what is going on with her. If he ever makes another comment like that, I would find another more supportive doctor. Nobody should ever say that to you. Does he even know that it was a problem for you? Does he even know you? Does he know you had postpartum depression? He has no rights then.
He didn't say those words straightly but that's what I concluded from our conversation. I could have read him wrong but that is what I gathered.
Thanks so much Denise. You did a wonderful job with your babies. I'm starting to see that many mothers have also went through that painful mastitis is no fun.
This is a wonderful and true statement that I sometimes forget. Thank you for reminding me. 😊
This comment lifted my soul and I am forever always grateful for you. I do remember telling myself I have to be well and have enough strength to take care of my other babies (I said this while fighting through mastitis). That was one of the things that helped me decide when it was time to stop trying.
Thank you for your loving support and having my back. You are truly a sweet friend and I am blessed to know you ~ 💝