Me, Myself and I

in Motherhood4 days ago

HELLO(E n le o),

Motherhood is indeed a calling beyond pay, just as i was bathing for my baby boy this morning, i remember the time he was a baby and could not express himself to tell me what he wants expect he cries and i guess what he might likely want.

The time he started crawling and i had to pack alot of things way around the house just so he could have a safe place to crawl, learn and grow, the time we introduced his first meal to him and we all had to wait to see the expression on his face.

The time he took his first step after a year birthday, the first time he went to his potty all by himself even when he had diapers on, the time he call water weee and wee water and how we were able to understand him.

The time i wean him unexpectedly, oh! what an unconfortable experience it was for him, his first day at the nursery, i was so trumatised that i could hardly consentrate at work. Or was it the day he was seriously sick as a toolder and i fear that i might loose him?

What can i say, we human are work in progress and we grow everyday. At a point in life we start growing and at some point we start dieing. We start dieing when our system start failing us either due to sickness, accidents or old age.

That is why it is essential that we human especially women takes care of ourselves we must make our food our medication now that we are young so medication does not become our food in middle age. Frequent visit to the hospital for check up is also necessary.

I know we like to cut how we spend but when it comes to our health we must go all out if the means is available and avoid any form of self medications. You can be meticulous in spending on grocery, food, jewelries but definitely not on yourself.

Think of the effort you put in growing up as a child, the effort you put in your academics, the effort you put in your carrier, the effort you put in raising and keeping your home. Put out the same effort in putting yourself first and looking out for yourself.

Remember no one will put YOU first expect yourself. In a short form, women put alot of effort on others than thier self. WOMEN PLEASE PEROITISE YOUR SELF.




It is true. No one will prioritize you except yourself 👍

Yes ooo