Bullying can be traced as far back as possible when it comes to human existence. If you come from a religious background, you may have learned about Cain and Abel, the Nephilims, some Pharisees in Jesus' day e.t.c.
One major common trait possessed by 'bullies' is violence - emotional, physical or psychological violence. This tends to cause lasting harms on the victims, and most times the families too, with the society left with a chunk of the emotional torture with the news. No wonder the statement "injury to one, is injury to all" has stand the test of time.
Within the last few days, there has been some very disturbing news in our global community regarding the death of minors by minors. The Michigan shooting event is shaking the USA and back in my home country of Nigeria, the Dowen college death of a 12year old is as much disturbing. Coincidentally, these two events happened about the same time.
My heart really goes to the parents of those kids. As an expectant father, I can only imagine what my emotional well-being will be like living with my child for over a decade, bidding the child farewell to school and being called to come see my child sick or even dead after a while due to BULLYING.
It is really sickening. It is even quite unfortunate that bullying cuts across all ages. I have been a victim of it in the hands of security agents, I experienced it in my high school days, I even saw it yesterday, when a well to do man came down from his vehicle in a petrol station to hit a hustling tricycle rider.
In all, I wonder the kind of world we're expecting in the future. Even in the blockchain space, we see bullying sometimes. The BIG question is, HOW DID WE GET HERE?
How can the society at large help in stopping this ugly trend?
Note Please: Whereas the internet has the images of some of the victims, my mental health is safer not attaching them on this post. A few clicks and search will provide you with it if you need them. Images Used
Thank you for writing this post. I myself was a victim of bullying during my childhood and I can quite say that I am still healing from the self damage it has caused me. It is truly not okay. We often ask where does this stem from an as a parent of a bully you got to ask yourself where did you go wrong. The world is broken as in itself the least we could do is be kind to others.
Thanks for your expressions. Bullying is really devastating and can take a long time to heal.
This statement is so true
STAY strong and AWESOME. We shall overcome
Thank you so much. It will take a while but I m definitely better than where I am before. The thing I can do moving forward is to educate the younger generation about the harms of bullying and always have empathy. Again, I am thankful that you wrote a piece about it.
Stay Awesome and Hiveon