Accompany my children for the weekend

in Motherhoodlast year (edited)


Bermain identik dengan dunia anak, maka oleh karena itu, mereka lebih fokus disana ketimbang kita menyuruh mereka belajar atau menyuruh membantu kita beres-beres di rumah. Aku sendiri hanya memiliki waktu 4 hari dalam seminggu bersama mereka, selebihnya karena aku seorang pengajar di sekolah, waktu luangku bersama mereka sering tersita untuk pekerjaan.

Pun begitu, waktu yang kupunya tentu sangat berharga bersama mereka, dalam setiap minggunya, terutama di akhir pekan sudah menjadi kewajiban membawa dan membersamai mereka bermain di salah satu wahana di pusat kota.

Playing is synonymous with children's world, therefore, they focus more there than on us telling them to study or asking us to help us clean up at home. I myself only have 4 days a week with them, the rest because I am a teacher at school, my free time with them is often taken up for work.

Even so, the time I have with them is certainly very valuable, every week, especially on weekends, it is my obligation to take them and accompany them to play on one of the rides in the city center.











Membawa mereka kesini dan menemaninya membuat mereka merasa diperhatikan, ya wajar saja, beberapa hari dalam seminggu karena pekerjaanku, mereka lebih banyak ditemani oleh ayahnya yang sering punya waktu luang. Melihat mereka tersenyum dan gembira ketika bermain membuat hati saya senang. Apalagi selama ini aku merasa perhatian untuk mereka sangat berkurang.

Bringing them here and accompanying them makes them feel cared for, that's normal, a few days a week because of my work, they are mostly accompanied by their father who often has free time. Seeing them smile and be happy while playing makes my heart happy. Moreover, during this time I feel that attention for them has greatly decreased.


Setiap minggunya aku menyusun agenda untuk mereka, aku bertanya, apa yang mereka lakukan di akhir pekan. Setelah menemukan jawabannya, aku mencoba memberikan solusi. Aku memiliki dua orang anak, yang satu cowok dan satunya lagi cewek. Putra sulungku lebih sering mengalah dan mengikuti kemauan adiknya. Jadi, dia tidak terlalu menuntut ketika tawaran hiburan di akhir pekan diajukan.

Every week I make an agenda for them, I ask what they did at the weekend. After finding the answer, I tried to provide a solution. I have two children, one boy and the other girl. My eldest son more often gives in and follows his younger brother's wishes. So, he wasn't too demanding when the offer of weekend entertainment was made.


Aku pikir wahana bermain adalah salah satu tempat yang menarik bagi mereka untuk mendapatkan hiburan kecil di akhir pekan. Selain terdapat bermacam aneka mainan, tentu saja suasana yang ramai menjadi salah satu faktor untuk mereka melihat dunia luar pastinya.

I think the playground is one of the interesting places for them to get a little entertainment on the weekend. Apart from having a variety of toys, of course the busy atmosphere is a factor for them to see the outside world.









Akhir pekan lalu, aku menghabiskan waktu bersama anak-anak di wahana bermain sekitar 2 jam. Mereka tampak senang, selain bermain bola warna, dan naik kereta api anak, si bungsu juga bisa belajar mewarnai disana. Umurnya baru saja genap 5 tahun, tentu mewarnai adalah salah satu hal yang senang dilakukannya.

Last weekend, I spent time with the children on the playground for about 2 hours. They looked happy, apart from playing with colored balls and riding the children's train, the youngest could also learn to color there. He has just turned 5 years old, of course coloring is one of the things she enjoys doing it.


Ia tidak peduli dengan abangnya yang memilih main pancing-pancingan ikan, kuas dan cat cair warna warni yang telah disediakan oleh pemilik segera diambil dan mulailah ia mewarnai sesuka hatinya. Ia terlihat sangat menikmatinya.

He didn't care about his older brother who chose to play fishing, the brush and colorful liquid paint that had been provided by the owner immediately took it and he started coloring as he pleased. He seemed to really enjoy it.





Aku duduk disisinya dan menemani, ia terlihat sangat menyukai mewarnai dengan kuas dan cat air. Sesekali aku mengarahkan dia untuk mewarnai yang baik dan benar, namun namanya anak-anak, ia lebih suka mewarnai secara acak dan gambar tersebut terlihat abstrak setelah usai diwarnai olehnya.

I sat beside him and accompanied him, he seemed to really like coloring with brushes and watercolors. Occasionally I direct him to color properly and correctly, but as a child, he prefers to color randomly and the picture looks abstract after he has colored it.








Aku juga menemani si sulung yang sedang main pancing-pancingan ikan, ia berharap dapat banyak ikan malam itu. Namun setelah aku perhatikan ternyata susah juga menangkap ikan disini.

I also accompanied my eldest who was fishing, he hoped to catch lots of fish that night. But after I looked at it, it turned out that it was also difficult to catch fish here.


Menurutku; kecerian anak itu tidak perlu mahal, mereka hanya meminta sedikit waktu kita yang sibuk bekerja, aku rasa meluangkan waktu di akhir pekan untuk melengkapi kecerian mereka adalah satu keharusan yang dilakukan oleh kedua orang tua, terutama oleh ibu. Karena kasih sayang seorang ibu adalah segalanya bagi mereka. Nah, Teman-teman #motherhood community, itulah post pertama saya di komunitas ini, semoga bermanfaat dan salam dari Aceh, Indonesia.

According to me; Children's cheerfulness doesn't need to be expensive, they just ask for a little of our busy work time, I think taking time at the weekend to complement their cheerfulness is a must for both parents, especially mothers. Because a mother's love is everything to them. Well, Friends of the #motherhood community, that's my first post in this community, I hope it's useful and greetings from Aceh, Indonesia.


Who is ericha?

Erika Fridayani is my fullname, I am a teacher and just a wife with two children. On Hive just want to share of blog I have every day and hope get many new friend. You also could see my first post on hive here

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