Cumplir Años , También Entristece (ESP-ING)

in Motherhood8 months ago
Buenas Tardes, a mis queridos amigos de Hive. El dia de hoy regreso para celebrar el cumpleaños del amor más puro e incondicional que he tenido siempre a mi lado; en momentos gratos y no tan gratos, y ha estado conmigo desde que me tenía en su vientre, les hablo de mi querida Madre.

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Hoy he querido, celebrar su dia, aunque para mi mamá, sea de disguto, si porque ella no le gusta cumplir años, le entristece ponerse más vieja. Desde hace días yo he estado esperando tanto su cumpleaños, aunque me agarro, sin dinero, y no pude evitar que se me bajaran las lagrimas porque de alguna manera quería regalarle un día diferente a mi mamá, porque deseaba gratificarle tantas cosas maravillosas que ella ha hecho por mi y por mi hijo, porque ella ha sido su segunda madre, fue la que cuido de mi hijo mientras yo trabajaba.

Agradezco todos los días de que Diosito me la tenga con vida y salud y aunque para mi mamá su cumpleaños no sea motivo de celebración, para mi lo es y será todos los días con tener su presencia. Gracias a mi esposo, la pudimos llevar a comer fuera de la casa, de verdad que ella no deseaba salir porque mi mamá tampoco ha sido mujer de estar fuera de su zona de confort, y que como es muy amante del futbol no quería alejarse para ver los Juegos de la Final tanto de la Eurocopa como de la Final de la Copa América.

Visitamos una pizeria que queda como a 15 minutos de la casa, y de verdad que es un sitio bastante familiar llamada los Ruices y con unos precios bastante accesibles, encuentras pizzas individuales desde 1, 5 Doláres si hablamos en HBD, un 1.5 HBD seria 57,84 Bolívares, y las Familiares en 7.5 HBD que en Bolívares seria 289,18; se veía la felicidad en la cara de mi mami porque se que le gusto el que la hayamos invitado a Almorzar.

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Hicimos el pedido de una pizza de cuatros quesos, para complacerlo a todos, porque mi hijo es exquisito a la hora de comer, y no se contaba con mucho dinero para complacer a todos.

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En el tiempo de espera del pedido de la Pizza, mi mami estaba siendo felicitada por mis hermanos, uno de ellos vive en el estado Barinas y después por mí hermano, mi cuñada y mi sobrina que están en Chile, desde hace 8 años están fuera del país. Luego recibo un mensaje de mi sobrina de Chile que cuanto es el costo de unos helados para depositarme, porque conoce que la debilidad de mi mami es los helados.

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Después de terminarnos la pizza fuimos a una Heladería cerca de la pizzería, y realizamos el pedido de tres helados, porque yo estoy pasando por un proceso gripal, con una tos muy fuerte, y he estado evitando comer cosas frías que me acelere más la tos, se realizo el pedido de helados de tres porciones eran gigantes, a un precio de 2 HBD o 2$, de verdad que se veían exquisitos pero será en otra oportunidad que pueda acompañarlos, me daba satisfacción ver la cara de felicidad de mi mami, disfrutando de su pequeño helado, al igual que la de mi hijo. No se necesita tener mucho dinero, ni lujos para dibujarle una sonrisa a tus seres queridos.

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Regresamos a casa, y yo le había realizado el día anterior un pie de limón, que es uno de sus postres preferidos, le colocamos una velita y finalmente le cantamos su cumpleaños. Solo me queda agradecer a Dios, de los pequeños detalles que finalmente le pude brindar a mi mami en su cumpleaños, a pesar de que no tenia nada de dinero. Se que este día la entristece mucho, porque suma un año más, pero le hicimos saber que para nosotros su familia, es un año más al lado de nosotros.

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Me despido, espero verlos muy pronto.

Las Fotos son de mi teléfono celular Marca Tecno año 2023



Good afternoon, my dear friends of Hive. Today I return to celebrate the birthday of the purest and unconditional love that I have always had by my side; in pleasant and not so pleasant moments, and has been with me since she had me in her womb, I speak of my dear Mother.

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Today I wanted to celebrate her day, although for my mother, it is a disguise, yes, because she does not like to have a birthday, she is sad to get older. For days I have been waiting so much for her birthday, even though I was caught, without money, and I could not avoid tears because somehow I wanted to give my mom a different day, because I wanted to thank her for so many wonderful things she has done for me and for my son, because she has been his second mother, she was the one who took care of my son while I was working.

I am thankful every day that God keeps her alive and healthy and although her birthday is not a reason for my mother to celebrate, for me it is and will be every day with her presence. Thanks to my husband, we were able to take her out to eat outside the house, she really did not want to go out because my mom has not been a woman to be out of her comfort zone, and as she is a soccer lover she did not want to go away to watch the Final Games of both the Euro Cup and the Final of the Copa America.

We visited a pizzeria that is about 15 minutes from the house, and it really is a very familiar place called Los Ruices and with very affordable prices, you find individual pizzas from 1, 5 dollars if we talk in HBD, a 1.5 HBD would be 57.84 Bolivars, and the Family pizzas in 7.5 HBD which in Bolivars would be 289.18, you could see the happiness in the face of my mom because I know she liked that we invited her to lunch.

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We ordered a four cheese pizza, to please everyone, because my son is exquisite when it comes to eating, and we didn't have much money to please everyone.

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While waiting for the pizza order, my mom was being congratulated by my brothers, one of them lives in the state of Barinas and then by my brother, my sister-in-law and my niece who are in Chile, they have been out of the country for 8 years. Then I receive a message from my niece in Chile asking how much is the cost of some ice cream to deposit me, because she knows that my mommy's weakness is ice cream.

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We ordered a four-cheese pizza, to please everyone, because my son is an exquisite eater, and there wasn't much money to please everyone.

While waiting for the pizza order, my mom was being congratulated by my brothers, one of them lives in the state of Barinas and then by my brother, my sister-in-law and my niece who are in Chile, they have been out of the country for 8 years. Then I receive a message from my niece in Chile asking how much is the cost of some ice cream to deposit me, because she knows that my mommy's weakness is ice cream.

After finishing the pizza we went to an ice cream parlor near the pizeria, and we ordered three ice creams, because I am going through a flu process, with a very strong cough, and I have been avoiding eating cold things that accelerate my cough, we ordered three servings of ice cream, they were gigantic, at a price of 2 HBD or 2$, they really looked delicious but it will be another time that I can accompany them, it gave me satisfaction to see the face of happiness of my mommy, enjoying her little ice cream, as well as my son. You don't need to have a lot of money or luxuries to bring a smile to your loved ones.

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We returned home, and I had made him a lemon pie the day before, which is one of his favorite desserts, we placed a candle for him and finally we sang his birthday. I only have to thank God for the small details that I was finally able to give to my mom on her birthday, even though I didn't have any money. I know that this day makes her very sad, because it adds another year, but we let her know that for us, her family is another year at our side.

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I say goodbye, I hope to see you very soon.

The photos are from my Tecno brand cell phone year 2023



Me alegra que tú mamá haya tenido un lindo día, que se haya sentido especial porque de eso se trata, que se sienta querida y que su familia agradece haberla tenido con ustedes un año más.

Espero que haya llegado a tiempo para ver el juego de la eurocopa y le haya gustado el ganador.