Hello dear friends of hive, in this opportunity I will show you the step by step that we used to make an example of a Communicative Situation. Which was an activity of the subject Spanish and Literature which is taught by the teacher Miletza Colina, my son is currently in the 2nd year of Secondary Education.
We begin by first giving a description of what a communicative situation is: A communicative situation is the set of elements involved in an act of communication: the sender; the receiver; the message; the place and the moment where the act takes place.
The theory of communication indicates that, in the communicative act, a sender is responsible for sending a message to one or more receivers. This message is propagated through a channel and can be understood when the sender and receiver share a code. It is also important that the receiver has knowledge about the referent of the message in order to understand what it is about.
In the communicative situation, on the other hand, there is always a purpose. This means that the communication is engaged for some purpose, such as to make information known or to request an action from the interlocutor.

A continuación le mostraremos el paso a paso que usamos para realizar el ejemplo de una Situación Comunicativa.
Below we will show you the step-by-step we used to make the example of a Communicative Situation.
Materiales a utilizar / Materials to be used
Lapicero / Pencil
Marcadores / Markers
Regla / Rule
Colores / Colors
Pega de silicón / Silicone glue
Hojas blancas / White sheets
Dibujos / Drawings
Tizas de colores / Colored chalks
plantilla de letras / lettering template

Paso a paso / Step by step
Pegamos las hojas blancas, que nos servirá como el papel donde se plasmará la situación comunicativa.
We glue the white sheets, which will serve as the paper where the communicative situation will take shape.

Trazamos una línea en la parte superior de la hoja que es donde colocaremos el título.
We draw a line at the top of the sheet where we will place the title.

Con ayuda de la plantilla de letras colocamos el título "Situación Comunicativa".
With the help of the lettering template we place the title "Communicative Situation".

Luego colocamos un pequeño concepto de lo que es una Situación Comunicativa.
Then we put a small concept of what a Communicative Situation is.

Luego remarcamos con marcador las letras.
Then we highlight the letters with a marker.

Dibujamos las imágenes que vamos a usar.
We draw the images we are going to use.

Luego colocamos nubes a cada uno de los elementos de la comunicación como lo son: El emisor, mensaje, receptor, código, canal y el contexto.
Then we place clouds to each of the elements of communication such as: Sender, message, receiver, code, channel and context.

Luego según el ejemplo vamos identificando cada elemento de la comunicación.
Then, according to the example, we identify each element of the communication.

Luego pegamos cada imagen donde corresponde.
Then we paste each image where it corresponds.

Luego cada nube coloreamos con tiza para darle un toque llamativo.
Then we color each cloud with chalk to give it a striking touch.

Aquí le mostramos el resultado final / Here is the final result.

Las imágenes son de mi autoría, tomadas con mi teléfono Redmi Note 9 y editadas con polish
The images are my own, taken with my Redmi Note 9 phone and edited with polish.
Separadores de texto ~~ Text separators
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