My E has recently turned two years old, but as always is very opinionated and demanding.
Yesterday we went to Fanuel Hall in Boston, MA for a Dinosaur walk through exhibit. My B loves all things dinosaurs, and E likes anything he does. So start of the holiday season and first gift was this event.
We drove to the city, parked, and then walked to exhibit and through exhibit. Lots of directions and rules for little ones. My E was just done with it all, as soon as we mad eit out do the gift shop she just wanted to run run run. FREEDOM! If she knew how to scream it, she likely would have.
However, Boston is a busy city and black Friday in shopping area with fairly mild weather and it was especially so. So I attempted to carry her and hurry along to find the perfect food for my particular B. There right out of my eyesight it was, a perfect splashing puddle. SO E started nicely slapping my face, kicking and doing the worm to get out of my arms and bolted for that puddle. Splash splash splash. She was happy.
We waited as she got her jumps in. Then after some time I gave her a two minute warning. And then a last jump warning. Then asked if she wanted to march or hop away from the puddle. "No!" Splash splash. So I told her I was courting to three and she could either take my hand and walk away or I'd help her and pick her up. Pick her up it was. And I did and we walked away.
Two is a tough age. Language skills are rudimentary. Sense of self is strong and developing. 'Me' , 'mine' , 'get out've here', and 'no' are frequently yelled by our girl and she has also got high pitched screaming down. I think she hits multiple octaves. Terrible twos is such a negative mindset, she's not being terrible she's being two. Her brain and her body are telling her needs to try different things and she needs to learn who she is, and what she is allowed to have control of.
My husband and I tried multiple times to get a jacket on her she wasn't having it, it was pretty mild out and she concentrated to a sweater so we packed one in our bag and let it go. Yes the two's are very mentally and physically tiring but they are such a period of growth and development. Trying two's is what I prefer to call them. Trying to learn my boundaries and limits. Trying to learn who I am and what my body can do. Trying to see how many gray hairs I give mom...I kid I kid.