Greetings dear friends, I am with you once again to share with you one more chapter of this new adventure we are living ❤️.
At the next follow-up visit of my pregnancy, we were able to see our baby's face for the first time, and although he was still tiny, it was clearly visible 🥺.
We saw him move around a lot and the doctor told us that he was already 22 weeks old, weighed 500 grams and we heard his little heart💙.
We have already started to buy some little things, such as diapers, some clothes and a bottle. And we also have the baby carrier that a coworker of my boyfriend gave us as a gift, little by little we are buying what we need, thank God😊🙏🏻.
See you soon to tell you a little more about my experience in this new adventure 🤰🏻💙.
For the best experience view this post on Liketu
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Felicidades por tu embarazo 💞🤰🏻 definitivamente es una experiencia maravillosa cuando siente moverse o como había mostrado en la imágenes.
Disfruta cada etapa... Es un momento único hasta tener a su bebé en brazo. ya apartir de los 4 meses está el sonido del corazón pero también está el oído. Te estará escuchando siempre desde el vientre. 💟 Nuevamente felicidades y que bonita es tu experiencia 🤗✨💫🤰🏻
Que lindo es estar embarazada, Dios los bendiga y sigan viviendo juntos estas bella experiencia.
Es hermoso y emocionante ver cómo va formándose esa nueva vida en la pancita ❤️