Today I want to tell you a little bit about my experience before, during and after my cesarean section.
Mi última visita de chequeo al ginecólogo fue el 07/02/19, ya solo me quedaba esperar los dolores de parto.
My last check-up visit to the gynecologist was on 07/02/19, all that was left was to wait for labor pains.
Pasados los días no presente ningún tipo de dolor o molestia, pero ala semana 39, se me hacía complicado orinar ya que empece a presentar ardor.
After a few days I did not have any pain or discomfort, but after 39 weeks, it became difficult to urinate because I began to have burning.
Junto con mi esposo y mi mamá tomamos todo lo necesario, que ya tenía previamente organizado y nos fuimos de emergencia al hospital.
Together with my husband and my mother, we took everything we needed, which I had previously organized, and we rushed to the hospital.
Al llegar me atienden y me haces los cheques y exámenes pertinentes, pero se percatan que tenia una infección fuerte en la orina, la cual al final de un embarazo puede resultar fatal para el bebé, al recibir esta noticia empece a sentirme muy mal emocionalmente, me culpaba de eso a pesar de que fui constante con mis exámenes.
When I arrived I was attended and I did the pertinent checks and tests, but they realized that I had a strong infection in the urine, which at the end of a pregnancy can be fatal for the baby, when I received this news I began to feel very bad emotionally, I blamed myself for that even though I was constant with my tests.
Me intervienen y deciden hacerme una cesárea de emergencia, a esa altura ya estaba bastante nerviosa lo que dificultó a los enfermeros poder prepararme, al momento de querer tomarme la vía fallaron repetidamente y la cantidad de sangre que emanaba de los pequeños orificios causados por las agujas esa amormal, parecía una fuente literalmente.
They intervened and decided to perform an emergency cesarean section, at that point I was already quite nervous which made it difficult for the nurses to prepare me, when they wanted to take the IV they failed repeatedly and the amount of blood emanating from the small holes caused by the needles was abnormal, it literally looked like a fountain.
Soy de ese pequeño grupo de personas que no experimente ningun tipo de dolor al comento que me aplicaron la anestesia, solo pensaba en que todo pasara rápido y que mi hija naciera sana.
I am one of the small group of people who did not experience any pain when the anesthesia was applied, I was only thinking that everything would pass quickly and that my daughter would be born healthy.
Mi cesárea duró aproximadamente 1 hora, mi tensión bajó a 4-6, mi latidos disminuían notablemente y mi hemoglobina quedó por los suelos, solo recuerdo a la dra grita que me suturaran lo más pronto posible puesto que me estaba botando mucha sangre.
My C-section lasted about 1 hour, my blood pressure dropped to 4-6, my heartbeat was dropping noticeably and my hemoglobin was at rock bottom, I just remember the doctor yelling for me to get stitches as soon as possible because I was leaking a lot of blood.
A pesar de las contrariedades y complicaciones las cosas no pasaron a mayores y todo salio muy bien, ¡nació mi hija!
In spite of the setbacks and complications, things did not get worse and everything went very well, my daughter was born!
¡19/02/19 el mejor día de mi vida!-19/02/19 the best day of my life!

Talla-Size: 49 Cm

Inmediatamente luego de la cesárea los cambios se hicieron notar claramente, la cicatriz, las estrías, flacides en el área abdominal y una afección llamada diastasis de rectos, esta ocurre por que los músculos abdominales se separan en mi caso por el gran tamaño de mi barriga durante el embarazo.
Immediately after the cesarean section the changes were clearly noticeable, the scarring, stretch marks, flabby abdominal area and a condition called rectus diastasis, which occurs because the abdominal muscles separate in my case due to the large size of my belly during pregnancy.
Hoy ya hace 2 años y 2 meses desde que nació mi hija sigo luchando por mejorar, pero estoy bantante feliz por estar viviendo esta experiencia de ser mamá.
Today it has been 2 years and 2 months since my daughter was born and I am still struggling to get better, but I am very happy to be living this experience of being a mom.