Once upon a time, in a dense jungle in Papua, two children named Kiki and Lala were playing together. They were having a great time chasing each other and exploring the jungle, but soon they realized they were lost. They couldn't find their way back to their village.
Kiki and Lala were scared and didn't know what to do. They sat down on a log and cried. But, they soon realized that crying wouldn't help them find their way home. So, they decided to be brave and try to find their way out of the jungle.
They walked for what seemed like hours and soon came across a beautiful river. They followed the river and soon found a small village. The villagers took them in and gave them food and shelter.
The next day, the villagers helped Kiki and Lala find their way back to their village. When they finally made it home, they were greeted by their families who were overjoyed to see them.
Kiki and Lala learned an important lesson that day: to always be brave and never give up when faced with a difficult situation. They also learned to always pay attention to their surroundings and not to wander too far away from home.