My second journey

in Motherhoodlast year


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Hello beautiful mommies in the house, am excited to be here. Am itohan by the name, am an enterprise, makeup artist, and a mom of one going on a second journey.i have heard mother's talk about their journey everyday,I kept on saying I never experienced some of those things they mentioned or some of the things they experienced like vomiting, pouring of saliva, craving for things or wanting to stay in a particular place because of pregnancy. I never experienced any of those. Thou right now want am experiencing is just vomiting and pouring of saliva and craving different meals everyday. I don't really want to experience all of that I just a normal pregnancy and give birth that is all I want. But this particular child wants me to feel all of that so I will understand when other women are talking.
When I had my first baby I didn't feel all this nauseousness, dizziness, and tiredness. I was very hard working doing everything normally like I wasn't even pregnant. My first baby didn't give me a sign until I was 7 months gone.
Am just 6weeks pregnant and I can't get hold of myself. I feel tired and dizzy and so much nausea. I have been to the hospital twice in one month complaining to the doctor like a baby. I don't understand why I feel like this. My doctor said is normal, every child is different.
For the first time I vomited and felt too lazy to do my daily routine, I said to myself "Is it how I will be vomiting and pouring saliva everywhere I go? The journey is still very long and there are lots of things I need to do before the due date. I still don't know the sex of the child, still don't know what I will buy, and the hospital I will put to bed. Am very anxious and am expecting everything good for this child in me. Am super excited about this baby,I pray it will be a baby boy, because I already have a baby girl. My baby and my husband are five and six,I want to have my own five and six,am tired of been jealous of my husband and my baby girl. Am very welcoming for your wonderful and sweet advice
This journey is going to be a sweet one which I know. But as for now am full of expectations every day.
Thank you for reading


I hope your second journey goes smoothly, all this are all part of motherhood.

I pray too. Thank you dear