nugBlog #12: Jan 17, 2025

in Motherhood15 days ago

NugBlog 12 Jan17-25.png

Leaps and bounds, little lady.

Your development just keeps speeding up. So much happened in these past six weeks.

The Christmas holiday was lovely. You tore into wrapping and enjoyed your new gifts and time spent with family and friends. We visited the cousins and had lots of fun in the snow.

But the biggest news is that you have officially learned to walk. Mom and Dad have the exact dates recorded for your first steps and when we decided you had figured it all out. I think it took only 16 days to go from wobbly steps to walking for real. Today, you are on your feet all the time. It’s a big adjustment but it makes things a lot more fun for everyone.

Last time I mentioned that you were saying some words. You have many more words right now, and we think you’re starting to know how to use them.

  • You became obsessed with “no” for a while. That was funny, and you still like to say it.
  • You can also say “yes” but you prefer “no.”
  • “Mama” and sometimes “dada” are common.
  • You are starting to learn “thank you” which is exciting.
  • “Apple” and “achoo” and “uh oh” and “go” are all words you’re figuring out.
  • “Ga” is your word for trucks.
  • And you still have lots of fun baby-language, which gets fancier every day.

I’ve let you play with the computer keyboard a few times now. You really enjoy making notes (and accidentally changing all kinds of computer settings). Here’s part of a note you wrote:

Efx[l4e          9 5† l, lov5ytgf.a/;p;.

You are still doing really well with food, and even learning how to use a spoon to feed yourself. Mostly we still make a big mess when eating, but that’s all part of the fun.

What else? You soon start daycare, which is going to be another big adjustment. That will probably be the main subject of my next nugBlog.

Until then, lots of love,

This series of blogs is to catalog the memories, milestones, and reflections of parenthood. Perhaps one day you (the Nug) will be curious to read them! In the meantime, they’re a nice way for Dad to process this whole parenting thing. He’s a writer, so putting words out into the world is relaxing, therapeutic, and fun.

See all the nugBlogs here.

Images created with a Canva Pro License. Photography is my own.