Y los bendijo diciendo: «Tengan muchos hijos para así poblar el mundo y ejercer control sobre él: dominando a los peces del mar, a las aves del cielo y a todo ser vivo que existe en la tierra»”. / "So God created man in his own image, in his own likeness, and created male and female.
And he blessed them, saying, 'Let them have many children, that they may inhabit the world and have dominion over it, having dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that is on the earth"
Génesis 1: 27 y 28
¡Hola, apreciados lectores de la comunidad Hive! En esta oportunidad les compartiré una sencilla pero grata experiencia con mi pequeño retoño Leonel, quien tiene apenas 2 años y 4 meses. Como saben, además de mi profesión como docente, literata aficionada, cantante amateur y discípula de Cristo, soy madre. Y como madres, vamos experimentando lo genial y grato que es ver crecer y formar a nuestros hijos como adultos que valga en esta sociedad tan caótica moral y espiritualmente.
En casa tenemos mascotas, dos perras y un gato. Leonel ama a sus mascotas inmensamente, y hace unos días le dejamos ayudarnos en el aseo de Lulú, una de las perritas de la casa. Esto para él fue un momento tan especial y feliz, que no podía yo perder la oportunidad de dejarlo en la historia, a través de fotos y de este escrito.
Hello, dear readers of the Hive community! In this opportunity I will share with you a simple but pleasant experience with my little sprout Leonel, who is only 2 years and 4 months old. As you know, in addition to my profession as a teacher, amateur writer, amateur singer and disciple of Christ, I am a mother. And as mothers, we are experiencing how great and pleasant it is to see our children grow and form as adults who are worth in this morally and spiritually chaotic society.
At home we have pets, two dogs and a cat. Leonel loves his pets immensely, and a few days ago we let him help us grooming Lulu, one of the dogs in the house. This was such a special and happy moment for him, that I could not miss the opportunity to leave it in history, through photos and this writing.
La famosa Dra. María Montessori consideraba que para que los niños adquirieran hábitos y destrezas, es necesario dejar que ellos mismos vayan experimentando con sus sentidos diferentes situaciones y motivarlos a que prueben a hacer cosas que luego les permitirán valerse por sí mismos y tomar decisiones con base en lo que han aprendido.
Y de acuerdo a esto, permito que mi hijo se involucre en las actividades cotidianas de la casa: 1) Para que se sienta y sepa que es parte importante de la familia, 2) Al saber que es parte importante de la familia, desarrolle responsabilidad para con sus deberes en el hogar, 3) Sepa cómo demostrar su amor a sus mascotas y a su familia: Haciendo algo por ellos, cuidando de ellos y, además 4) Desarrolle poco a poco su autonomía.
The famous Dr. Maria Montessori considered that in order for children to acquire habits and skills, it is necessary to let them experiment with their senses in different situations and motivate them to try things that will later allow them to stand on their own and make decisions based on what they have learned.
And according to this, I allow my son to get involved in the daily activities of the house: 1) So that he feels and knows that he is an important part of the family, 2) Knowing that he is an important part of the family, he develops responsibility for his duties at home, 3) He knows how to show his love to his pets and his family: Doing something for them, taking care of them and, in addition 4) He develops little by little his autonomy.
Al dejarlo involucrase en el cuidado de sus mascotas, pretendo que aprenda por sí mismo y se forme para ser un varón colaborador, afectivo, protector y conservacionista de la creación, y aprenda a disfrutar ayudando. Y qué mejor ayuda que hacer lo que a él más le agrada, o sea, pasar tiempo con sus adoradas mascotas.
By letting him get involved in the care of his pets, I intend for him to teach himself and train himself to be a collaborative, affectionate, protective and conservationist man of creation, and to learn to enjoy helping. And what better help than doing what he enjoys most, that is, spending time with his beloved pets.
Leonel junto a su abuela paterna bañando a Lulú
Esta sociedad necesita hombres y mujeres de valor, sinceros, esforzados, considerados. No existe esfuerzo en vano para lograr esto, pero eso sí les recomiendo, lean la Biblia y comprenderán cómo se logra esto. Dios, el creador de la vida, sabe cómo se vive la vida, pregúntale a él, y él te responderá.
Part of the responsibility that at the beginning of creation God, the creator, gave to human beings when he said "...and exercise control over them: dominating the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky and every living thing that exists on the earth", was to administer creation in a just manner. Therefore, caring for animals and nature in general is a duty as human beings that we must exercise. I, as a mother, feel the obligation to lovingly teach my son about it, because it is part of his formation as a "man of value."
This society needs men and women of courage, sincere, hardworking, considerate. There is no effort in vain to achieve this, but I do recommend you to read the Bible and you will understand how to achieve this. God, the creator of life, knows how life is lived, ask him, and he will answer you.