Sundays are dedicated to my son's study (Spa-Eng)

Hola muy buenos días tengan todos mis amigos , feliz fin de semana para todos , espero que se encuentren llenos de salud que es lo primordial, les quiero compartir cómo son mis domingos, primeramente son para estar en casa , además son dedicados al estudio de mi hijo Jorge , además de ayudar lo durante la semana en sus tareas e dedicado este día domingo por completo a el ya que así tenemos más tiempo y puede aprender más
,me organizo primeramente, creamos un plan de actividades, dónde la prioridad es que aprenda a leer , a escribir bien de la pizarra y lo más importante continuar realizando sus actividades solo

Hello very good morning to all my friends, happy weekend to all, I hope you are full of health that is paramount, I want to share how are my Sundays, first are to be at home, they are also dedicated to the study of my son Jorge, besides helping him during the week in his homework and dedicated this day Sunday completely to him because we have more time and can learn more, I organize myself first, create a plan of activities, where the priority is to learn to read, to write well on the blackboard and most importantly continue to perform their activities only to learn to read, to write well on the blackboard and most importantly to continue to do their activities alone.
I organize myself first, we create a plan of activities, where the priority is that he learns to read, to write well on the blackboard and the most important thing is to continue doing his activities on his own.


Jorge está cursando actualmente primer grado , lo que fue difícil de adaptarse ya que por motivos de enfermedades se saltó prácticamente todo el preescolar y no había quemado muy bien esa etapa , la docente me manifestó que Jorge iba a primer grado, le pedí que lo dejarán hasta que el cumpliera sus 6 años y me explico los motivos por el que no se podía , la verdad es que Jorge casi no asistirá a preescolar, casi no hacía tareas porque en gran parte era mi culpa lo confieso , cuando Jorge llegó a primer grado tanto para el cómo para mí fue un choque enorme , no sabía escribir bien , quería solo jugar y merendar todo lo que se hacía en aquel nivel

Jorge is currently in first grade, which was difficult to adapt to since he skipped practically all of preschool due to illness and he had not burned that stage very well. The teacher told me that Jorge was going to first grade, I asked her to leave him until he was 6 years old and she explained to me the reasons why it was not possible, The truth is that Jorge almost did not attend preschool, he hardly did any homework because it was mostly my fault, I confess. When Jorge reached first grade, both for him and for me it was a huge shock, he did not know how to write well, he just wanted to play and have a snack, everything that was done at that level.



En menos de 3 meses con la ayuda de Dios primeramente y el gran esfuerzo mío , mi hijo comenzó a escribir bien, le comenzó a agarrar amor a su escuela , y sobre todo le encanta sumar y restar , no ha sido facil pero tampoco difícil , ahorita lo que le cuesta un poco es la lectura pero lo está intentando y le está yendo muy bien, por eso todos los domingos aparte de los días de la semana se lo dedico por completo a el y a reforzar las tareas que ve en clases y se que cada día va a ir avanzando
Créditos: las fotos son de mi propiedad y las tomé con mi redmi 12 , el collage lo realicé con la aplicación GridArt, gracias feliz día para todos

In less than 3 months with God's help and my great effort, my son began to write well, he began to love school, and above all he loves to add and subtract, it has not been easy but not difficult, now what he finds difficult is reading but he is trying and he is doing very well, so every Sunday apart from the weekdays I dedicate it completely to him and to reinforce the tasks he sees in class and I know that every day he will make progress.
Credits: the photos are my property and I took them with my redmi 12, I made the collage with the GridArt application, thanks happy day to all of you.




Mother was really the best teacher. I'm one proud mommy here whenever I see achievements like these I would always feel happy and make it as an inspiration.

thanks for reading friend, happy afternoon