What should be done about the use of smartphones by children?

in Motherhood2 years ago

Hi Hive Lovers

Nowadays, you can easily find children having fun with smartphones in their hands.

Even fewer parents intentionally allow their children to use smartphones without supervision, which can be considered neglect, right?

Many things have changed in the way children interact because parents are less focused on monitoring their children's activities. Parents because they are busy are more likely to use the concept of "entertainment parenting," which makes their children "busy alone" so as not to interfere with their parents' activities. Consciously or not, this has degraded the value of social interaction lessons as life capital when they grow up.

This is the concern of many parents these days. Children's exposure to smartphone use has reached an alarming level, one reason being "unbearable" parents. Finally, their children become dependent on smartphones, and this is very dangerous.

This paper is not to look at the causes of children using smartphones but to invite all of us to pay attention to the negative effects they cause. You must be motivated by your child's development and best interests, right?

One cannot argue that there are many possible negative effects that can be experienced by children if using smartphones for too long. At least our conscience will refuse if children use smartphones.

No one can resist the development of the times. This is the age of technological sophistication, and children must also be able to adapt to the developments of this era.

We agree to pay attention to things that can damage children's growth and development. In this case, we need to limit children by making rules and time management for their smartphone use.

What should we do?

Create and agree on rules

The effectiveness of a rule that applies to children is the result of an agreement with them. We can explain in a language that children can understand the functions, uses, and negative effects of things, including smartphones.

Because children are the best imitators, we, as parents, must also try to comply with these mutually agreed rules.

I have some rules for using a smartphone that I agreed on with my child. Hopefully, this article can be an illustration for all of you, and, of course, you have to adapt it to your own needs, as follows:


You and your child should have an agreement that stipulates when they can use the smartphone and for how long.

You can make an agreement about time by adjusting your child's habits and needs. For example, during school holidays or in the afternoon after he played with his friends.

You should also consider your own time so that you can do it together while giving directions to your child when he uses the smartphone.

The Place

You and your child should also have an agreement stipulating where they can use the smartphone.

Setting a special place using a smartphone will limit the child to only using it in certain places. Of course you don't want your child to use their smartphone at the dinner table or in bed, do you?


You and your child must also have an agreement that regulates what content or applications are eligible for access.

Because your child is a smart child, he can download any application and can search for certain content that pleases him. You are not smarter than your child regarding the sophistication of your smartphone.

You and your child can also agree that he or she must first obtain permission to be able to download certain apps. You must ensure that everything is safe for you and your child. Don't let problems arise later.


You and your child should also have an agreement that governs your involvement as an adult when he or she uses a smartphone.

When you accompany children, then everything will be in your control. There's everything in there, right?

This deal will allow you to sift through everything a child is worth seeing or knowing. The sacrifice of your time to accompany them will save them themselves. All parents want the best for their children.

Besides that, mentoring will also improve the quality of your time together with your child. You will interact with them a lot, even when they are having fun with their smartphone. It will be very pleasant for your company.

In addition to mutual agreement, you should also periodically monitor what your child has accessed on their smartphone. This is very important so that you can control their development and you, as a parent, will be able to anticipate things that you do not want.

One thing that is more important is that you, as a parent, must be able to provide an example in carrying out the agreement that you have made together. They will take an example from their parents. If you violate them, they will also do the same.

No one can resist the development of the times. This is the age of advanced technology, and children must also be able to adapt to the developments of this era.

However, it would be better if you did not give access to the use of smartphones to your children before they deserved it. There are many other fun activities for children to do.

About Me


I usually apply these guidelines that you share in your post and they work for me, I do not usually expose my daughters to screens for very long periods of time, however when I do I supervise her and I only put topics that I consider appropriate for her, thank you for sharing this interesting post.

Thank you for dropping by here, Mrs. @gladys19.

You have paraphrased very well from this post of mine.
It's very important for children that they get the best from their parents, right?
May your children be successful and happy people in the future.

If you wish, you can re-share this post so that more parents can benefit from it.

Bravo!! I applaud you for writing this. It is such a great read and I agree with your values and rules on this subject. Parenting is all about sacrifice for the greater good of the child

Parenting is all about sacrifice for the greater good of the child

Children are the most precious treasure we have, right?
Apart from our responsibilities as parents, they deserve the best from their parents.
May your children become successful people in the future.
Thank you for leaving your kind words.You are one of the best parents in the world, Mrs. @sssandra.

If you wish, you can re-share this post so that more parents can benefit from it.

I cannot take the title of one of the best parents in the world ...I appreciate your sentiment though. Thank you 😁

And I reblogged your post before you gave me permission ...whoops

 2 years ago  

Este tema es tan pertinente para nosotros los padres, que nunca se agotaran los puntos. Como madre reviso constantemente lo que mi hija de 8 años hace en la tablet, todo se complica con el Internet y sino estamos pendiente pueden ser conducidos a paginas y vídeos perturbadores. Por eso debemos saber en que están, si yo no estoy en mi casa o mi esposo para supervisar no se le permite el uso de la tablet, hay muchas cosas que puede hacer sin la tecnología, ademas que tanto tiempo en estos aparatos daña su vista. Como padres debemos controlar el uso de los telefonos inteligentes, aunque estemos ocupados no puede ser una alternativa para entretenerlos mientras estamos en otras cosas porque en ese espacio de la cyber tecnologia hay de todo a lo que ellos tienen acceso, y los niños deben tener restricciones, lamentablemente muchos padres no estan pendientes de eso, y realmente eso no esta creando independencia, sino que los hace mas ajenos, al punto de querer ocultar cosas, ese mundo asi como enseña en el buen sentido, puede dañar en grandes proporciones. Saludos @justbabybee

Thank you for your very cool view. You've made it clearer with a few additional points about tablet use in children.
All parents have the same worries, right?
If you wish, you can re-share this post so that more parents can benefit from it.
May all goodness be present for your children and family.
Best wishes from Indonesia