Con la maternidad es lo mismo, para nadie es un secreto que este rol representa un cambio brutal en la vida de los padres, y empezamos a prepararnos proyectando qué queremos y qué no queremos hacer, cómo nos vemos como madres, qué tipo de crianza queremos desarrollar, entre otras.
Hello dear Hiver community !!! This topic caught my attention, since after being a mother I have perpetrated many things that I said I would not do, I have even done those that criticized other mothers. As human beings, in order to adapt to the situations we need to face, we establish expectations and develop ideas in advance. For example, if you are going to have a visit of great importance, days before you imagine what it will be like, as a way to calm your nerves a bit and to prepare yourself.
With motherhood it is the same, it is no secret to anyone that this role represents a brutal change in the lives of parents, and we begin to prepare by projecting what we want and what we do not want to do, how we see ourselves as mothers, what kind of parenting we want develop, among others.
Ante de ser madre, me encontraba en una panadería y presencie el ataque de llanto que tenía una niña solo porque quería que sus padres le comprara un chocolate y yo recuerdo que dije “ay Dios no que niña tan malcriada, si fuera mi hija ya le hubiese dado 4 nalgadas y no la saco más” y bueno mi hijo mayor me hizo un episodio igual, sin nada que envidiarle a aquella niña, no encontraba que hacer, en ese momento lo que hice para calmarlo fue darle mi teléfono y en el carro fue que lo regañe y le puse un castigo de no ver comiquita.
Considero que la gran mayoría hemos estado en ese punto de ver a otros padres hacer algo y pensar que cuando fuésemos padres o madres, no lo haríamos o que lo haríamos de otra forma, posiblemente mucho mejor que la escena que estabas presenciando de esos padres con esos hijos. Cuando eres padre o madre realmente y tienes que criar a tus hijos, entonces es cuando te enfrentas a la realidad y se deja a un lado esa realidad idílica y algo fantasiosa.
Yo decía que en la hora de merienda solo mis hijos comerían frutas y hortalizas, nada de caramelos, chupetas o pepitos y bueno lo menos que hacen es comer frutas y hortalizas , mueren por golosinas.
Y así muchas cosas, que pensé no haría en mi rol como madre y las hago tal cual como especulé que no haría. Definitivamente hay que vivir las situaciones para así, poder emitir un comentario. Me despido de ustedes, hasta la proxima.
Before being a mother, I was in a bakery and witnessed a crying attack that a girl had just because she wanted her parents to buy her a chocolate and I remember saying “oh God, what a spoiled girl, if she were my daughter, she would I would have spanked 4 times and I don't take her out anymore ”and well my eldest son gave me the same episode, with nothing to envy that girl, I couldn't find what to do, at that moment what I did to calm him was give him my phone and in the car it was that I scold him and I gave him a punishment of not seeing a comic.
I consider that the vast majority of us have been at that point of seeing other parents do something and thinking that when we were fathers or mothers, we would not do it or that we would do it in another way, possibly much better than the scene you were witnessing of those parents with those children. When you are really a father or mother and you have to raise your children, that's when you face reality and put that idyllic and somewhat fanciful reality aside.
I used to say that at snack time only my children would eat fruits and vegetables, no candy, lollipops or pepitos and well the least they do is eat fruits and vegetables, they die for sweets.
And so many things, that I thought I would not do in my role as a mother and I do them just as I speculated that I would not do. Definitely you have to live the situations in order to make a comment. I say goodbye to you, until next time.
Las imágenes fueron editadas en canva , se tradujo en el traductor de Google .
Images were edited in canva, translated in google translate
Hay un dicho que dice: "Shhhhh, no hable que usted también será mamá o tiene hijos" Jajaja y es taaan cierto. Pero la idea es ser mejores.
claro es la idea jajajja, aprender día a día e ir mejorando para hacer las cosas bien