Dear hivers friends, I hope you have an excellent and wonderful day and that the blessing of God descends on all your homes

Children are very intelligent but they do not know how to differentiate between good and bad, parents must take care of that, a task that is not easy at all, but we must teach them what is good and what is bad, teach them to respect adults and instill in them good principles and values
El respeto a los adultos a nuestros abuelos, tios, primos, amigos y hasta el respeto propio debe de inculcalse desde pequeños, que ellos entiendan y comprendan cuales son los valores y principios y la importancia en nuestras vidas que es algo fundamental para la formacion de los niños.
Tolerar, aceptar, comprender, compartir, respetar es uno de los principales valores que debemos inculcarle a nuestros hijos, que aprendan a tener consideracion hacia un adulto, hacia sus amiguitos y lo mas importante hacia si mismo.
Today children do not respect adults, I could even say that today's children do not want to respect their parents, each parent educates their children in their own way, but always focused in the same direction for the well-being of our children.
Respect for adults, our grandparents, uncles, cousins, friends and even self-respect must be inculcated from a young age, so that they understand and understand what the values and principles are and the importance in our lives that is something fundamental for the formation of children.
Tolerate, accept, understand, share, respect is one of the main values that we must instill in our children, that they learn to have consideration towards an adult, towards their little friends and most importantly towards themselves.
si educamos a nuestros hijos por el con estos principios y valores y les enseñamos lo bueno y lo malo, que aprendan a reconocer sus errores y a saber cuando estan haciendo algo malo creo que habremos formado un hombre o mujer mujer respetosos y honestos pero sobre todo admirables que seran el futuro del mundo.
if we educate our children for him with these principles and values and teach them the good and the bad, that they learn to recognize their mistakes and know when they are doing something wrong I think we will have formed a respectful and honest man or woman but above all admirable what will be thefuture of the world
Todas las fotos fueron tomadas con mi teléfono HUAWEI Y6II
All photos were taken with my HUAWEI Y6II phone