hello hivers friends may the blessing of God descend on all of you filling you with much life and health 🙏
Hace 2 años y 7 meses murió mi hermana gemela cuando le practicaban su cesarea de su primera hija pero cuando le realizaban la cirujia la doctora le perforó el útero y tuvo un derrame desde la 1 de la madrugada hasta las 4 de la tarde pero nunca fue atendida como debió ser y murio de un paro respiratorio debido a tanta sangre que perdió.
The presence of a mother in the lives of our children plays a fundamental role, today I want to share with you how much a son needs a mother, even if he has his father.
2 years ago and 7 months old my sister twin died when they were practiced by his cessarea of his first daughter but when they were the surgeon, the doctor drilled him the womb and had a spill from the 1st of the morning until 4 in the afternoon but he was never attended as he should have been and a dirty breath because of so much blood he lost.

After the death of my sister, the girl stayed with her father. He took her with him and left her in charge of her mother, a 72-year-old woman, while he works to be able to give her what the girl needs, but how can the The lady is very old and can no longer raise the girl as her father would. Mom, if she were alive, then to calm the girl, she would be aware of everything the girl wants, whether for good or bad, just for the simple fact that the girl doesn't cry.

The girl feels so much the absence of her mother she cries and only calls his mommy, she knows that his mom is in the sky and also knows his name and recognizes it in photos, when he has a dream herself likes the chicken and the cow Lola but as his porn granteer can not walk it singing it because the colonma hurts and only places it in bed and tells him that he sleeps and the girl cries and cries until he sleeps.

Les cuento esto para que muchas madres de hivers se den cuenta se lo mucho que nuestros hijos nos necesitan, porque si mi hermana estuviera viva la niña no fuera tan rebelde y su vida fuese tan feliz, mi hermana era docente y era una mujer llena de amor ella era su primera hija y creo que seria una excelente madre como lo fue con mis hijos.
Actualmente la niña vive en el estado portuguesa - venezuela y nos vemos muy poco por la distancia que hay entre donde ella vive y donde yo vivo, hace unos dias nos la trajeron para que compartieramos con ella y me duele tanto ver como se esta criando mi sobrina, me duele ver lo mucho que sufre por no tener a su mamá a su lado.
As his grandmother sometimes sick the girl sleeps there with his paternal tips or his premium she does not have a stability, and that emotionally is affecting this very much rebel and is a girl who if Nonle give everything that asks for in a hysteria and only screams to get Lonque wants.
I tell you this for many mothers of Hivers come from how much our children need us, because if my sister was alive the girl was not so rebellious and her life was so happy, my sister was teacher and was a woman full of love she was her first daughter and I think it would be an excellent mother as it was with my children.
Currently the girl lives in the Portuguese state - Venezuela and see you very little by the distance between where she lives and where I live, some days ago they brought us to make us share with her and it hurts so much to see how it is breeding my niece, it hurts to see how much he suffers for not having his mom to his side
I just want to leave this reflection to let's go our children to be because more than women who want to be mothers and can not others leave them or they just do not give them love and attention they they need.
I hope that this sad story is of a lot of help so many mothers reflect and love more of their children ...
todas las fotografías son tomadas con mi teléfono HUAWEI Y6II
** All photographs are taken with my phone Huawei Y6ii **