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RE: When Enough Is Enough.

in Motherhood3 years ago

First I think Marian needs to realize that Mark doesn't plan on marrying her and the moment he sees someone better, he would leave, just my thought.

I can't really judge her because I know I am one person who hardly knows when to leave even though I wouldn't put myself in certain situations, but I still kind of understand her.

I think as women we need to figure and realize that sometimes we have to choose ourselves and not the men.

For me, I figure out when it's time to leave, and then I gradually work towards it killing every emotion, and then one day I might just stand up and walk away for no reason.

Also, there are so many contraceptions, I hate when I hear about so many cases of abortions when they can be avoided.


I am with you because even I am thinking he may not have an interest in marrying her. After all, his behavior shows complete disregard and care about her life, safety, and happiness.
Having been in an unhealthy relationship in the past I know how hard it can be to break away but just like you and i hopefully one day she too will gather the strength to move on with her life in order to be happy.

I hope he doesn't marry her because she would be making a mistake.

To me, love doesn't come with pain.

He might also use the abortions against her in the future.

From your mouth to God's ears my sister 🙏 I pray that happens too so keeping my fingers crossed till January since she swore to leave if the marriage doesn't happen by then.

She might not but just be there for her, it gets complicated in our heads.