What to do if the child doesn’t want to go outside?

in Motherhood3 years ago

Walking has many health benefits. The process charges with vitamin D, supports the immune system, affects the development of fine motor skills, increases the level of endurance. But it often happens that the child categorically does not want to leave the house.

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Often the reason why the child refuses to go for a walk is the personal reluctance of the mother to leave the house. A woman gets tired among the everyday cleaning, cooking and watching the baby, and often she is simply unable to pull the stroller and the child down in order to freshen up. In the process, the mother may often look at the clock, complain to her friends that she no longer wants to spend time on the street. The baby certainly feels this and refuses to walk.

What to do if the child does not want to go for a walk? You need to plan in advance every day and follow the daily routine. Thus, you will avoid overwork. I also advise you to quickly get ready for a walk, which will not let the child be capricious and choose between a walk and its absence.

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The daily routine directly affects the entire life of the baby, because without a clear daily schedule it is difficult for him to exist in the first years of his life. If the daily routine is normal, the child has a habit, for example, after breakfast, go outside so that the food is properly digested, and after a midday nap, go to the store for a tasty dinner or afternoon snack.

The motivation for any walk is a ritual, even if we are talking about adults. Agree, it’s quite difficult to stroll through the streets thoughtlessly and it’s much easier to contemplate the alleys if you are on your way to delicious coffee or adored fresh eclair.

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The same goes for children, they need motivation. And it is also worth choosing the time and content of walks depending on the hours of activity or the calmness of the child. I personally have periods when I don’t feel like going out at all, but after I go outside and breathe in the fresh air, I feel the joy that I went for a walk.

Or you can just ask dad to take the baby for a walk…