ladymwatsi cross-posted this post in Motherhood 3 years ago

Raising Twins

in OCD3 years ago

I have been sitting here and observing my babies. I thought to myself people are not the same it doesn't matter if they are siblings or relatives but each person is different in his or her own way.

Oh by the way i have twins and they are fraternal... for those that don't know, fraternal don't look alike and is a boy and a girl.

Anyway i have been observing them hoping that since they are twins they will be behaving the same or doing things the same. To my surprise they are completely different. One is slow and one is very active, The other one is big and the other a bit tiny. Even in school they don't perform the same.

One thing they have in common is the love for each other, inseparable, play together even if they fought a minute ago. They do almost everything together and expect equal or same things every time. Funny thing is that you cant even go with one and leave the other one lol.

Nonetheless they are soo adorable and quite busy hey, Moral of the story: never ever compare yourself with anybody everyone was designed and born differently. Even twins that comes from the same womb are different in some way. Love and accept yourself as you are. Everyone is special in the eyes of the Lord.

#mother #multiples #twins #parenting

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