in Motherhood2 years ago (edited)




       hola comunidad hermosa de #maternidad #motherhood les comparto esta bonita historia de mi hija ella es Emma nacio un 8 de julio DE 2016 adelantandose devido a que sufri pleclampsia la verdad es que durante mi embarazo me mantube normal pero en eso de casi Octavo mes empezo a subir mi tension el octavo mes es delicado dicen que o nacen de 7 meses prematuro o lo normal que es 9 meses esta niña maravillosa pues queria nacer lucho y lucho durante un dia turbulento buscando donde me realizaran la cesarea desde la mañana que mi ginecologa me dio la orden me fui al seguro SOCIAL lugar donde se debio realizarme mi cesarea y pues no la tension la tenia arriba de 170/70 si no recuerdo lo mas complicado es que yo era asintomatica no sentia nada pero la verdad es que me estaba muriendo yo y mi bebe yo ignorante de la situcion no me prestaban atencion fue muy duro hasta que luego de caer la noche y no atenderme como se debia me dieron una orden al hospital central antonio maria pineda en barquisimeto Edo-lara luego de eso me fui con mi maletica al hospital hasta que ingrese y hay me dieron cama y fue a las 5:31am cuando se me realizo la cesaria moria de miedo pensando que mi hija no aguantara tanta espera con la tension alta y bueno ella nacio era tan pequeña peso 2 kilos 35gramos era tan pequeña y fragil pero milagrosamente ese dia en la mañana me la dieron en mis brazos ella despues de haber luchado tanto no necesito encubadora y alzaba la cabeza tan pequeña las enfermeras sonreian y de hay comprendi dios mio gracias por este hermoso milagro ella tenia que nacer. Esta es parte de mi historia como madre como recibi este milagro de dios tan hermoso que hoy en dia corre camina y me dice mama MAMA MAMIIII JEEJE GRACIAS POR LEERME. 

hello beautiful community of #maternity I share this beautiful story of my daughter, she is Emma, ​​she was born on July 8, 2016, ahead of time due to the fact that she suffered from pleeclampsia. The truth is that during my pregnancy I remained normal but in about the eighth month it began to rise My blood pressure in the eighth month is delicate, they say that either they are born 7 months premature or the normal 9 months is this wonderful girl because she wanted to be born, I struggled and struggled during a turbulent day looking for a place to have a caesarean section since the morning that my gynecologist gave me the order, I went to the SOCIAL security, where my caesarean section should have been performed and well, the blood pressure was above 170/70 if I don't remember the most complicated thing is that I was asymptomatic I didn't feel anything but the truth is that I was dying and my baby, ignorant of the situation, they did not pay attention to me, it was very hard until after nightfall and not taking care of me as it should have, they gave me an order to the central hospital Antonio María Pineda in Barquisimeto Edo-lara after that I went with my suitcase to the hospital until I entered and there they gave me a bed and it was at 5:31 am when the caesarean section was performed I was scared to death thinking that my daughter would not endure so much waiting with high blood pressure and well she was born she was so small weighing 2 kilos 35 grams she was so and fragile but miraculously that day in the morning they gave me the little girl in my arms after having struggled so much she did not need an incubator and she raised her head so small the nurses smiled and there I understood my God thank you for this beautiful miracle she had to be born. This is part of my story as a mother, how I received this miracle from God, so beautiful that today she runs, walks and tells me, MAMA, MAMA, MOMMY, JEEJE, THANKS FOR READING.

 2 years ago  

Hola mamá!

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esta bien muchisimas gracias por la sugerencia muy amable saludos cordiales 😉