lizella27 cross-posted this post in Motherhood 3 years ago

A Poetry Titled "My Son"

in Blockchain Poets3 years ago (edited)




As I walk down the street,
People stare at me,

They stare at me like there's a sign on my forehead,
A sign saying I have a Plague....

They move away when I walk close,
They slinger....
They call my child names;
Names no child should ever hear,
Two of us bears the same shame,
The shame of crimes none- of us committed,

I thought he was a good man,
He showed me kindness;
OH! He had me fooled,
He fooled my friends and family;

He was so lucky, they say,
But my only luck, was getting out alive,

The first slap hit me like a Blast,
My whole body shock;
But it was the shock that hurt me more than the pain,

The changes that crape up on me slowly,
And unnecessary screams here,
A smash plate there,
It became a heartbeat;

And the sound of his footsteps made my heart beat,

After each slap, was an apology....
His father apologise on his behalf,
You have to be patient with him.....he said;

My mother apologise on his behalf,
You must have triggered him....she said;
My friends,....
My friends told me to bear everything for the sake of my son;

But that was the exact reason,
I stood up and left,
For the sake of "MY SON"


Thanks for coming around

📝Liz Beth.