El Amor es el secreto de este viaje
Love is the secret of this journey
Hola queridos amigos de esta maravillosa comunidad, primero, quiero expresar mi alegría por ver que existe una comunidad como esta,donde podemos compartir nuestras experiencias como padres y también deleitarnos con otras,es una idea increíble
Hello dear friends of this wonderful community, first, I want to express my joy to see that a community like this exists, where we can share our experiences as parents and also delight ourselves with others, it is an incredible idea
Hoy quiero contarles un poco de mi experiencia como madre de tres niños, pues como todos los que tienen niños saben, no es fácil la tarea, imagínense con tres. Claro hay personas que tienen más de tres hijos, pero yo hablo por la mía, pues es la que vivo a diario y me ha llenado de un sin fin de vivencias
Today I want to tell you a little about my experience as a mother of three children, because as everyone who has children knows, the task is not easy, imagine with three. Of course there are people who have more than three children, but I speak for mine, because it is the one I live with daily and it has filled me with many experiences.
These are my three children: Camila, Aaron and Lucas
Camila acaba de cumplir 15 años, Aaron tiene 11 y Lucas 7, por sus edades, sus gustos e intereses varían un poco, así que he tenido que ir amoldandome a cada uno según sus necesidades. Debo organizar muy bien mi tiempo porque van a escuelas diferentes y practican actividades extracurriculares distintas
Camila has just turned 15, Aaron is 11 and Lucas is 7, because of their ages, their tastes and interests vary a bit, so I have had to adapt to each one according to their needs. I have to organize my time very well because they go to different schools and practice different extracurricular activities
Mis días transcurren entre colegios, música, fútbol, sin dejar de lado mi rol de esposa y por supuesto sin olvidar mis sueños y metas, pues también trabajo día a día para sacar adelante mi proyecto laboral y personal. Con esto no quiere hacerme sentir como la mujer maravilla o una super madre, al contrario, deseo incentivarles y hacerles saber que si se puede ser madre, esposa y trabajar en lo que nos gusta
My days pass between schools, music, soccer, without neglecting my role as a wife and of course without forgetting my dreams and goals, because I also work every day to carry out my work and personal project. With this, he does not want to make me feel like a wonder woman or a super mother, on the contrary, I want to encourage them and let them know that it is possible to be a mother, a wife and work in what we like.
Mi experiencia como madre ha sido maravillosa, momentos y situaciones difíciles no faltarán, pero eso también es parte de la vida, a pesar de que suele tornarse mucho más complicada cuando tienes responsabilidades, no cambiaría la felicidad que genera ser madre, saber que para alguien tu vida es demasiado importante, que existe por lo menos una persona que depende de ti y de lo que hagas, hará que desees convertirte en una mejor persona cada dia
My experience as a mother has been wonderful, difficult moments and situations will not be lacking, but that is also part of life, despite the fact that it tends to become much more complicated when you have responsibilities, I would not change the happiness that being a mother generates, knowing that for someone your life is too important, that there is at least one person who depends on you and what you do, will make you want to become a better person every day
I wish that God gives the wisdom that each one needs to form a family, to enjoy this wonderful stage of life, and that he adds what he needs to each one, that he never lacks bread on his table or love in his homes
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