in Motherhood2 years ago


A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take

cardinal meymillod

Mothers have been a breed that can never be compared with other breeds. God just made them to have a broad and loving heart.
This post of mine is going to be all about my mother. For a slight description about my mother.

My mother is a light skinned loving woman with a pure heart of loving everyone around her either you are her child or not she does not want to know. She will do all in her power to make whoever around her happy. My mother is also a very strict woman when it comes to one doing his or her assigned duty. She does not like it when things that are meant to be taken serious are taken Lightly.

She is a christian that sees the Bible as her real G. She believes in God and does her own part for her prayers to be answered. Her life style has been something I pray my wife emulates. My mother does not like being idle. Even when you give my mother strict warning of her not working and getting stressed. She will one way the other find herself something to do. That alone amazes me.
There's really much to talk about but what made me want to write about my mother is due to an incident that made my dad had his last breath on earth a month ago. Although it is still fresh but me writing about my dad will be another story. May his soul rest in perfect peace.

Okay! I thought I had seen how loving my mother could be not until my dad got sick for years. My mother had to quit her work and stand for him in all ways. It was hard financially, mentally, emotionally and physically but she was taking good care of him and still playing her role as a mother. A lot happened during my dad's illness that people and family thought she would run away leaving her husband but it was never like that. Even the family of my dad was no where to be found. But my mother kept on playing her role not minding who is or who is not there.

Long story short, it was like that till my dad had his last breath on the 23rd of june 2022.
My mother was pained but yet she held it in and she's still being the woman we have known her to be. Trying to play the fatherly and motherly role all by her self.
I pray the good lord strengthen and uphold her.
I love my mother and I will always do.
Huge love for loving mothers on here. I love you all.

Thanks for reading through my blog


Ohhh, I'm sorry to hear that. 🥺 I'm praying that God will heal your mother's wounded heart sooner, as well as yours. I'm sure your father is watching over you. May he rest in peace.

Thank you.. Huge love