Ser mamá es la mejor forma de ver que el tiempo realmente VUELA🥺 hoy recuerdo claramente cuando nació esta belleza🥺 era tan chiquitica y Fragil en mis brazos (a pesar de que midio 53cm y pesó 3.6kg) pero obvio en manos de cualquier adulto seria una total cosita chiquita😍 y hoy ya con diez meses veo cuanto ha crecido, no ha sido nada nada facil este tiempo, tener a dos torbellinos en casa no está facil😂 pero sin duda mis dias no serian lo mismo sin estas dos hermosuras😍
Being a mom is the best way to see that time really FLIES🥺 today I remember clearly when this beauty🥺 was born, she was so tiny and fragile in my arms (even though she was 53cm and weighed 3.6kg) but obviously in the hands of any adult she would be a total little thing😍 and today at ten months old I see how much she has grown. 6kg) but obviously in the hands of any adult she would be a total little thing😍 and today with ten months I see how much she has grown, it has not been easy at all this time, having two whirlwinds at home is not easy😂 but no doubt my days would not be the same without these two beauties😍.
A veces siento que si esta chiquita para su edad, pues sigo comparandola con el hermanito que siempre siempre fue gigante jaja pero ella gracias a Dios esta en el peso y tamaño de acuerdo a su edad, hoy en dia sana gracias a Dios, si se ha enfermado mucho de gripe desde que nacio, pero gracias a Dios tenemos varias semanas sin la tan temible gripe, que el hermanito siempre se trae del colegio por cierto jeje pero vamos bien
Sometimes I feel that she is small for her age, because I keep comparing her with her little brother who was always a giant haha but thanks to God she is in the weight and size according to her age, today she is healthy thanks to God, she has been sick a lot with flu since she was born, but thanks to God we have several weeks without the dreaded flu, that her little brother always brings from school by the way hehe but we are doing well.
Ema sigue siendo una niña 70% Seria, pero nosotros disfrutamos muchisimo ese 30% que se rie demasiado jaja de hecho SIEMPRE que me toca tomarle las fotos del cumple mes, está asi, toda seria, y al momento de quitar todo lo de la foto, se rie demas -.- Pero normal, ya me acostumbre jaja tomarle las fotos es todo un desafio🤣😂 yo admiro a esas mujeres que toman fotos ultra pros con sonrisas incluidas de paso jaja yo la mayor parte de las veces no puedo.
Ema is still a 70% serious girl, but we enjoy very much that 30% that she laughs too much haha in fact ALWAYS when I take her birthday pictures, she is like that, all serious, and when I remove everything from the picture, she laughs too much -.- But normal, I'm used to it haha taking her pictures is a challenge🤣😂 I admire those women who take ultra pros pictures with smiles included by the way haha most of the time I can not.
Pero aca les comparto a mi pequeña Ema futbolista 😍😍⚽ por supuesto para estar en la onda de Qatar 😂 Para el numero usé unas hojas de maquina y para darle mas onda de futbol hice esa arqueria que fue una risa total jajajjaa no le veia ni pies ni cabeza, pero al final si le dio un plus a la foto como me lo imaginaba jeje. Mi esposo se reia y decia que parecia una red de pescar jaja pero al fibal tambien le gustaron las fotos, sin que Ema nos regalara una sonrisa, pero salió hermosa😍😍
But here I share with you my little soccer player Ema 😍😍⚽⚽ of course to be in the Qatar vibe 😂 For the number I used some machine blades and to give it more soccer vibe I made that archery that was a total laugh hahahaha I didn't see any head or feet, but in the end if gave a plus to the photo as I imagined it hehe. My husband laughed and said that it looked like a fishing net haha but he also liked the photos, without Ema giving us a smile, but it was beautiful😍😍
Con 10 meses ya hace pininos 🥰☺️ y esta comenzando a dar pasitos con ayuda de la silla, siento que antes de los 11 meses ya andará por toda la casa haciendo travesuras jeje asi que se nos suma una licuadora mas 🤣 porque Chris es una licuadora prendida y sin tapa TODO EL DIA🧐🙃🙃 Jaja pero bueno son la alegria de la casa, y ya pronto estara caminando con su hermanito😍
She is 10 months old and is starting to take little steps with the help of the chair, I feel that before she is 11 months old she will be walking around the house making mischief hehe so we have one more blender 🤣 because Chris is a blender on and without a lid ALL DAY🧐🙃🙃🙃 Haha but well they are the joy of the house, and soon she will be walking with her little brother😍.
En cuanto a los cambios fisicos, logicamente hay mucha ropa que ya no le queda jeje, los cintillos casi apretados asi que vamos creciendo y creciendo y ya tenemos 2 dientes mas😍😍 pero increiblemente no son los incisivos de arriba, sino los caninos jaja mejor conocidos como colmillos 😂 asi que parece una bella vampirita 😂 yo no me habia dado cuenta🙈 se los notó el hermanito, y para mi fue una hermosa sorpresa, estaba feliz 😄 jejeje y ahi entendí como era que mordia todo tan bueno desde hace unos dias jajja 😍😍
As for the physical changes, logically there are a lot of clothes that no longer fit him hehe, the headbands almost tight so we are growing and growing and we already have 2 more teeth😍😍😍 but incredibly they are not the top incisors, but the canines haha better known as fangs 😂 so she looks like a beautiful little vampire 😂 I had not noticed🙈 the little brother noticed them, and for me it was a beautiful surprise, I was happy 😄 hehehehe and then I understood how she was biting everything so good since a few days ago hahaha 😍😍
Sigue siendo super llorona y muy muy pegada a mi 🙈 llora cada vez que me alejo un poco, y aunque a veces es agotador y un poco estresante oirla llorar como si sintiera que la abandono para siempre😂 yo en el fondo AMOO que ella este tan pegadita a mi😍😍 al final sera mi ultima bebe🥺 asi que disfrutaré cada etapa al maximo💜
She is still super whiny and very very attached to me 🙈 she cries every time I move away a little bit, and although sometimes it's exhausting and a little stressful to hear her crying as if she feels like I'm leaving her forever😂 I deep down LOVE that she is so attached to me😍😍😍 in the end she will be my last baby🥺 so I will enjoy every stage to the fullest💜
Por ahora entramos en los 10 meses, cada vez mas cerca de su primer añito, por ahora me ilusiona demasiado que esta sera su primera navidad😍😍 asi que les compartiré la foto de los 11 meses que obvio sera con motivo navideño 🌲🌲 asi que hasta entonces💞
For now we are 10 months old, getting closer and closer to her first birthday, for now I am very excited that this will be her first Christmas😍😍😍 so I will share with you the 11 months photo which obviously will be with a Christmas theme 🌲🌲 so until then💞
Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad
La portada la edité en picsArt
All photos are my property
I edited the cover in picsArt
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Her first year is almost here, she will surely receive many Christmas and birthday presents. Enjoy those moments with your daughter, they are the most beautiful ones you will always remember.
Sii, ya muy cerca su primer añito, Dios mediante🥰 gracias, la estoy disfrutando al 100%
Your baby is so beautiful , her birthday is around the corner. She is a very serious girl hahahaha with her ball. By 11 months, she will be a good player and someone should prepare to be her goal keeper.
Haha as long as she doesn't stick it to me as her goalie hahaha all good, and sii she's pretty serious, but beautiful hehe🥰.
Que rápido 😲
Hermosa Emma 😍, crecen muy rápido, Dios la bendiga y la guarde.
Asi es amiga, un abrir y cerrar de ojos jeje graciasss amen🥰