Hola, espero que se encuentren muy bien y que esten disfrutando de su fin de semana. En esta ocasión me siento complacida de compartir los nuevos logros de mi hijo, pues era algo que estaba esperando con muchas ansias.
Mi hijo Aarón tiene 2 años y 8 meses y aún no había dejado su pañal, pero ya tiene 6 días que su papá y yo decidimos quitarle el pañal para dormir y además ya nos avisa que quiere ir al baño.
La paz y emoción que sentimos es mucha ya que aparte de ahorrarnos el dinero en pañales también estamos descansando de limpiar el desastre que el hacía, además de estar pendiente a cada momento para llevarlo al baño.
Desde hace mucho comenzamos a usar pañales de tela ya que la economía no nos permitía comprar los desechables, así que solo los usaba para dormir, así que mi esposo y yo pasábamos todo el día vigilando para en cualquier movimiento salir corriendo con el, obviamente muchas veces se hizo encima y eso nos frustró mucho
Buscamos muchos métodos para poder enseñarle, nos sentamos con el en el baño, le repetimos muchísimas veces que allí se hacía pipí y pupú, en fin después de tanta frustración dejé de estresarme y esperar a que el estuviese preparado para hacerlo ya que por nuestra parte ya habíamos hecho lo necesario y aún seguíamos practicando con el.
Además de eso mi hijo tampoco habla, y creo que quizás esa fue la razón de que no dejara el pañal aún, el aprendía las palabras básicas las repetía por un tiempo y luego dejaba de decirlas, sólo las decía cuando el quería o para manipular y conseguir algún cometido, pero justamente esta semana también comenzó a repetir como un loro todas las palabras que le decimos, así que de alguna manera creo que estas prácticas van de la mano o al menos así fue con mi bebé.
Ahora tengo un niño que ya me dice que tiene ganas de ir al baño y además está comenzando hablar, así que estos eventos me han llenado el corazón de muchas alegrías esta semana porque me encanta ver el proceso de crecimiento de el y escuchar esa vocecita decir tantas cosas es simplemente hermoso y es algo que me estoy disfrutando al máximo.
Por supuesto como todas las madres tuve que pasar por muchas críticas principalmente de mujeres que pensaban que me era muy agradable estar limpiando el desastre de mi hijo y además me restregaban en la cara que sus hijos a penas nacieron ya sabían hablar y además volaban 🤣, de verdad no entiendo porque algunas en vez de tener empatía lo que hacen es lastimar el corazón de una mamá que aunque no es perfecta está haciendo lo mejor que puede para criar a su hijo lo mejor posible.
Yo soy la hermana mayor de 4 hermanos como ya algunos saben y comprendí que cada uno tiene su ritmo y su tiempo para crecer y hacer cosas, por ejemplo mi hijo caminó después del año, unos dos meses después y muchas madres ya lo estaban criticando y con menosprecio veían a mi hijo porque no lo hizo en el momento en que ellas pensaban que debía hacerlo.
Me quedo con los buenos consejos, con aquellas palabras de ánimo que me decía " tranquila cuando menos lo esperes lo hará" que reconfortante es recibir ese tipo de palabras de personas con experiencia que en vez de humillar ponen su granito de arena para sumar seguridad en una madre que lucha en su día a día para esforzarse y sacar a su familia adelante.
Hello, I hope you are all well and enjoying your weekend. On this occasion I am pleased to share my son's new achievements, as it was something I was looking forward to.
My son Aaron is 2 years and 8 months old and he was not out of his diaper yet, but it has been 6 days since his dad and I decided to take him out of his diaper to sleep and he is already letting us know that he wants to go to the bathroom.
The peace and excitement we feel is great because besides saving money on diapers we are also taking a break from cleaning up the mess he made, besides being aware of every moment to take him to the bathroom.
A long time ago we started using cloth diapers since the economy did not allow us to buy disposable diapers, so he only used them to sleep, so my husband and I spent all day watching him so that we could run away with him at any movement, obviously many times he wet himself and that frustrated us a lot.
We looked for many methods to teach him, we sat with him in the bathroom, we repeated many times that he had to pee and poop there, finally after so much frustration I stopped stressing and waiting for him to be ready to do it since we had already done what was necessary and we were still practicing with him.
Besides that my son doesn't speak either, and I think that maybe that was the reason why he didn't leave the diaper yet, he learned the basic words he repeated them for a while and then stopped saying them, he only said them when he wanted to or to manipulate and get some task, but just this week he also started to repeat like a parrot all the words we tell him, so somehow I think that these practices go hand in hand or at least that's how it was with my baby.
Now I have a boy who already tells me that he wants to go to the bathroom and he is starting to talk, so these events have filled my heart with joy this week because I love to see the process of his growth and to hear that little voice say so many things is just beautiful and it is something that I am enjoying to the fullest.
Of course like all mothers I had to go through a lot of criticism mainly from women who thought it was very nice for me to be cleaning up my son's mess and they also rubbed my face in my face that their children were barely born and could talk and fly 🤣, I really do not understand why some instead of having empathy what they do is hurt the heart of a mom who although she is not perfect is doing the best she can to raise her son as best as possible.
I am the oldest sister of 4 siblings as some already know and I understood that everyone has their own pace and time to grow and do things, for example my son walked after a year, about two months later and many moms were already criticizing him and with contempt they looked at my son because he didn't do it at the time they thought he should.
I keep the good advice, with those words of encouragement that told me "calm when you least expect it" how comforting it is to receive such words from people with experience that instead of humiliating put their bit to add security in a mother who struggles in her day to day to strive and take her family forward.
Imagen de portada editada por mi en Canva/ Cover image edited by me on Canva
Todas las fotos que están en esta publicación han Sido tomadas desde mi celular Motorola One action / All photos in this publication were taken from my Motorola One action cell phone.
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Muy cierto lo que dices, cada niño tiene su ritmo y no se le debe apresurar. De lo que dicen los demás, solo toma lo que te suma, lo que te aporte positivamente, el resto deshéchalo. Saludos.
Thank you very much for giving me your opinion.
Sometimes we have to deal with some comments that we don't need and many of them come from relatives, but experience teaches us how we should react to this situation. Regards
Congratulations on this. Ignore the negative criticism, as you say, everyone does it in their own time. The important thing is that as a mother you are there to support your son.
Exactly, at the beginning it did affect me because I was a new mother, but when I had the necessary confidence I no longer suffer because I know that everything I do is for the good of my son.
Thank you for your comment.
My baby girl were detached with diaper totally at the age of 2 but when she became 1year old he only wear diaper at night and daytime she pee on the chamber pot, because she starts talking when she is 1 year old
happy for you and your kids achievements, kids development are not the same so don't mind other people saying.
Thank you very much for your comment and tell me about your experience, certainly every child is different and some do things earlier than stipulated and others take a little longer, but that does not mean that mothers do not put diligence in teaching them.
Yes, it's with the kids development and we can't do nothing about it but to teach them little by little
Very nice your Child can now express himself Handsome boy
Keep being Safe 🙏