[ESP | ENG]~ Recorriendo junto a mi hija el camino de la música 🎼🎵🎹 by @morenaluna

in Motherhood2 years ago

La música es realmente la mediadora entre la vida de los sentidos y el espíritu.

Music is truly the mediator between the life of the senses and the spirit.

Ludwing Van Beethoven


Feliz y bendecido día amigos de #motherhood me complace compartir una vez más con ustedes un poco de mis vivencias siendo mamá de músicos en formación, es especial de una pianista. 🎹🎼🎶

Happy and blessed day #motherhood friends I am pleased to share once again with you a bit of my experiences being a mom of musicians in training, it's special of a pianist. 🎹🎼🎶


Portada editada en - Cover published in canva


El piano a pesar de ser uno de los instrumentos más melodiosos y sonoros que existen tiene una desventaja y es que no se puede trasladar con facilidad de un sitio a otro. A pesar de eso y gracias al esfuerzo de los profesores, en coordinación con los representantes, desde el año pasado se organizan conciertos por diferentes municipios y poblaciones del estado haciendo uso de un teclado y una planta de música con el fin de mantener a los alumnos motivados, fomentar la unión, el compañerismo, la hermandad y a la vez incentivar a los estudiantes de los núcleos visitados a conformar cátedras de piano, ya que en algunos no existe.

The piano, in spite of being one of the most melodious and sonorous instruments in existence, has a disadvantage and that is that it cannot be easily moved from one place to another. In spite of that and thanks to the effort of the teachers, in coordination with the representatives, since last year concerts are organized by different municipalities and towns of the state making use of a keyboard and a music plant with the purpose of keeping the students motivated, to foment the union, the companionship, the brotherhood and at the same time to encourage the students of the visited nuclei to conform piano chairs, since in some of them it does not exist.



En esta ocasión el concierto se llevó a cabo en el Núcleo de Cumanacoa, ubicado en una población del estado Sucre rodeada de ríos y montañas que se encuentra a 1 hora de la ciudad donde vivimos. Para trasladarnos hasta allá se contrató el servicio de un autobús que debía buscarnos a las 7:30 AM en el sitio programado, de tal manera que madrugué para preparar desayuno, almuerzo, realizar nuestro aseo y así poder llegar al lugar de encuentro a la hora pautada. Además de los alumnos de la escuela de piano del núcleo Cumaná se contó con la participación de integrantes del coro y la orquesta Sinfónica, quienes apoyaron con sus talentos para hacer de la muestra un espectáculo más ameno.

On this occasion the concert was held in the Núcleo de Cumanacoa, located in a town in the state of Sucre surrounded by rivers and mountains that is 1 hour away from the city where we live. To take us there, a bus was hired to pick us up at 7:30 AM at the scheduled place, so I got up early to prepare breakfast, lunch, and clean up so we could get to the meeting place at the scheduled time. In addition to the students of the piano school of the Cumaná center, members of the choir and the Symphonic orchestra participated in the show, who supported us with their talents to make the show more enjoyable.


Abordando el autobús para ir a Cumanacoa- Boarding the bus to Cumanacoa

El concierto dió inicio pasadas las 10:00 am, con un repertorio variado de 18 canciones que pasearon a los presentes por melodías populares cómo Solamente una vez, Piel Canela, Cien Años, La Vita en Rose, Yesterday, Historia de un Amor, Hijo de la luna, Vivo por ella, entre otras, esto con la intención de demostrar a los asistentes que los pianistas no solo tocan música de Mozart, Beethoven o Chaikovski; por mencionar algunos compositores famosos, un pianista puede ser versátil y tocar distintos géneros musicales y a su vez puede ejecutar como solista o acompañante.

The concert started after 10:00 am with a varied repertoire of 18 songs: 00 am, with a varied repertoire of 18 songs that took the audience through popular melodies such as Solamente una vez, Piel Canela, Cien Años, La Vita en Rose, Yesterday, Historia de un Amor, Hijo de la luna, Vivo por ella, among others, with the intention of demonstrating to the audience that pianists not only play music by Mozart, Beethoven or Tchaikovsky, to mention some famous composers, a pianist can be versatile and play different musical genres and can also perform as a soloist or accompanist.


Finalizada la actividad los jóvenes disfrutaron de un refrigerio y como ya era hora de almuerzo caminamos hasta los alrrededores de la iglesia del pueblo ubicada a pocos metros de la sede de la orquesta, para que el grupo se tomará algunas fotografías y comieran.

After the activity the young people enjoyed a snack and as it was already lunch time we walked to the surroundings of the village church located a few meters from the orchestra headquarters, so that the group could take some pictures and eat.


Compartiendo en los alrededores de la iglesia San Baltasar de Los Arias de Cumanacoa - Sharing in the surroundings of the San Baltasar de Los Arias de Cumanacoa church What3words

Tanto representantes como alumnos quedamos satisfechos con el trabajo mostrado en la actividad, los aplausos; la mayor satisfacción de un artista, no se hicieron esperar, al igual que los halagos y felicitaciones por parte de los músicos del núcleo de Cumanacoa.

Both representatives and students were satisfied with the work shown in the activity, the applause, the greatest satisfaction of an artist, were not long in coming, as well as the compliments and congratulations from the musicians of Cumanacoa.


Pianistas recibiendo sus aplausos - Pianists receiving their applause

Por mi parte sigo enfocada en apoyar y acompañar a mi pequeña en este camino musical que no representa un pasatiempo, sino un complemento para su formación y a la vez contribuye a mejorar su coordinación, ya que con esta práctica estimula constantemente distintas áreas de su cerebro.

For my part, I continue to focus on supporting and accompanying my little girl in this musical journey, which is not a hobby, but a complement to her education and at the same time contributes to improve her coordination, since this practice constantly stimulates different areas of her brain.



Me despido agradeciendo por este espacio y esperando pronto estar de vuelta con ustedes @morenaluna

I say goodbye thanking you for this space and hoping to be back with you soon @morenaluna

Gracias a todos por su apoyo || Thanks to everyone for your support

Fuentes / Sources:

Traductor || Translator: Deepl
Todas las imágenes son de mi propiedad tomadas con un Xiaomi Red mi 9 || All images are my own taken with a Xiaomi Red mi 9.
Los collages editados en || The collages edited in PicsApp
Separador de texto||Text separator

@morenaluna 11/03/2023


Hola, @morenaluna 💕 Estoy completamente de acuerdo contigo, la música es un complemento para la formación del ser humano. Es excelente que tu hija recorra este camino desde tan joven y que tú la apoyes de corazón. Una abrazo ❤️

El amor que siente por la música es genuino y por eso llevarla por este camino es un viaje muy placentero ❤️ 🤗 Saludos y feliz noche!

Your support towards your daughter's music engagement is really impressive. Indeed, music or playing musical instruments like piano helps with coordination and brain stimulation because playing such instruments makes you do multiple things at the same time: You play with your right hand, play something different with your left hand, divide your attention, ensure your stick to the rhythm and beat, ensure you follow the band/team, listen to your team members, and much more. All these and more help your brain to act fast, think fast and work fast.

I believe teaching music to children at an early age is really important. I wish I had such an opportunity as a kid, but, well, I'm trying my best now to do the little I can. This is really wonderful, and it's such a lovely content that can be shared on leothreads - alpha.leofinance.ioMotherhood Leo Curators. We'd love to see your wonderful threads on #motherhood related content, and #music also, since you're a mom of musicians, lets see what your lovely musicians have created. Also, I believe the would love to see you using the #Motherhood tag on threads.

If anything characterizes the representatives of the System is the commitment to the musical education of their children, otherwise everything would be more difficult for them. There are many young people who want to make music and for lack of support from their parents do not get it.

The good thing is that it is never too late when you have the conviction to learn, as in your case.

Thanks for the suggestion, I will investigate to know more about the content that I can publish in the community.

Hola @morenaluna, de verdad dale una oportunidad a Threads, no te vas a arrepentir! Threads es simple, divertido y muy facil de usar!

Date una vuelta!De hecho hay un tag #spanish en donde los Hivers comparten pensamientos, ideas y hasta imagenes!

Thank you very much for the indications, I will do it

Awesome! Let me know if you encounter any issue so I can help you out in the process, it's simple but it might feel like a big thing!

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