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RE: Easy Evening Routine

in Motherhood4 years ago

i feel envy of your so well schedule evening routine!

i susually jut make diner clean the kitchen cause same girl the whole house can be falling down but i need the sink to be free of dirty dishes! do a quick round around the house picking up stuff and putting them away before we have our child take a bath and go to bed i usually take a hower after he is sleep if i dont fall sleep with him lol.

i love the whole planning the meal for next day stuff may make my life easier should start doing this.


I wish I was better at meal planning, I really do, but man, it is something I am so bad at though. I am working on it.

As for the rest, it sounds like a pretty workable routine to me! I sort of miss showers at bedtime. My pandemic hair is too long now, it gets my pillow soaking wet, and it takes forever to blow dry. :(