Motherhood: a Community For The Moms of the Hive Blockchain! [ENG – ESP] || #HiveCommunities

in Motherhood4 years ago (edited)
Authored by @victoriabsb

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Welcome ALL Moms!

Hi there! I’m @victoriabsb and I have done this introduction of the community 2 times already from my own blog but, I figure I could do it one more time in a different way to help promote our small but lovely and wonderful community.

You can read our intro post here -> Introducing: #Motherhood, The Community for Moms on The Hive Blockchain || [ENG – ESP]

What Is the Community About? | De Que Trata La Comunidad?


Is just a place for Moms from Hive to tell their stories for all the world to read, offering advice, support, and information, to who may need it!

We aim to be community of expecting, new, and experience moms, who know what is like to walk a mile in your shoes, know what you're going through when you are trying to get pregnant, when you are already pregnant, in your post-partum journey or even when your kids are already old and have kids of their own. We want to help create a feeling of friendship and comfort for moms as a result of sharing stories of all the things that is being a Mom.

In this space we welcome different points of view on sometimes controversial topics. But most importantly, you’ll find a respect and support even when not agreeing with each other, just moms telling their stories and bonding over the shared experience of motherhood.

Basically, are you a mom? Of a human, of a cat, or of a dog or of anything (we don’t judge)? This is the community for you then!


Es un lugar para que las mamás que hacen vida en Hive cuenten sus historias para que todo el mundo las lea, ofreciendo consejos, apoyo e información a quienes lo necesiten!

Queremos es ser una comunidad de mamás embarazadas, nuevas y experimentadas, que sepan cómo es estar en los zapatos de la otra, por lo que está pasando cuando está tratando de quedar embarazada, cuando ya lo está, en su etapa posparto o incluso cuando sus hijos ya tengan hijos propios. Queremos crear un sentimiento de amistad y comodidad en las mamás como resultado de compartir historias de todas las cosas que significa ser madre.

En este espacio damos la bienvenida a diferentes puntos de vista sobre temas a veces controvertidos. Pero lo más importante, encontrará respeto y comprensión, solo mamás que cuentan sus historias y se unen sobre la experiencia compartida de la maternidad.

Básicamente, ¿Eres mamá? ¿De un humano, de un gato, de un perro o de cualquier cosa (no juzgamos)? ¡Esta es la comunidad para ti!

Benefits of Posting on Our Community | Beneficios de Postear en Nuestra Comunidad

  • You can have fun being a Mommy Blogger.
  • You won't go through motherhood alone.
  • You can find support, love, and guidance.

Surrounding yourself with other mamas can help you feel less isolated and alone; having each other to talk to about the changes we've all been going through since pregnancy and birth to raising toddlers, children, teenagers and adults (emotionally and physically) can be crucial to finding support for our emotional and physical well-being, mental health, and more.


  • We have awesome Challenges every week to help coming up with themes to post.
  • We have the support of the Minnow Support Project with the curation of the posts that are of quality.
  • Every Post that is created in our community is now tweeted automatically on our Twitter account and shared on our Instagram account giving the author and Hive exposure on other social media.
  • Te divertirás siendo una Mamá Bloguera.
  • No pasarás por la maternidad sola.
  • Encontrará apoyo, amor y orientación.

Rodearse de otras mamás puede ayudarla a sentirse menos aislada y sola; Tenernos unas a otras para hablar sobre los cambios que hemos experimentado desde el embarazo y el nacimiento hasta la crianza de niños pequeños y grandes, adolescentes y adultos, puede ser crucial para encontrar apoyo para nuestro bienestar emocional y físico, mental. salud y más.


  • Tenemos Challenges nuevos todas las semanas para ayudar a tener nuevos temas sobre los que postear.
  • Tenemos el apoyo del Minnow Support Project en la curación de los posts que son de calidad.
  • Cada post creado en nuestra comunidad es ahora automáticamente twitteado en nuestra cuenta de Twitter y compartido en nuestro Instagram dándole así al autor y a Hive la exposición necesaria en otras redes sociales.

Rules of The Community | Reglas de La Comunidad

There are some pretty basic rules to be part of this community (They may change if need it to accommodate better moderation of abuse)

Hay algunas reglas bastante básicas para ser parte de esta comunidad (pueden cambiar si es necesario para tener un mejor control del abuso)

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1.- Only Motherhood/Babies/Parenthood Related Content.
The content allow in this community is very wide you want to talk about how is your experience being a mom to a little gold fish? Perfect, we want to read it here! You want to post about your recipe you did for your kid? AWESOME, we love those kinds of posts!
But you want to post about a recipe you did and there is not Motherhood related anecdote to go with it? Please don’t post it here, is easy if you are not talking about anything related to being a mom please don’t share it here or you will be Muted!

2.- Only Original Content.
Obviously, we don’t support copy/paste or plagiarism.

3.- All Languages are welcome.
This community is not only for English or Spanish Speakers, all languages are allowed.

4.- No Hate Speech allow.
I don’t think there is need to explain this one.

5.- Be Nice!
You may not share all the views other moms have or you may not agree with how a mom is handling her mom business, you can dissent, what you cannot do is being a troll or a mommy shamers!

1.- Solo contenido relacionado con la maternidad / bebés / paternidad.
El contenido permitido en esta comunidad es muy amplio, ¿quieres hablar sobre cómo es tu experiencia al ser madre de un pequeño pez dorado? Perfecto, ¡queremos leerlo aquí! ¿Quieres publicar sobre tu receta que hiciste para tu hijo? ¡IMPRESIONANTE, amamos ese tipo de publicaciones!
Pero, ¿quieres publicar sobre una receta que hiciste y no hay una anécdota relacionada con la maternidad? Por favor, no lo publique aquí, es fácil si no estás hablando de nada relacionado con ser madre, ¡por favor no lo compartas aquí o será muteado!

2.- Solo contenido original.
Obviamente no admitimos copia y pega o plagio.

3.- Todos los idiomas son bienvenidos.
Esta comunidad no es solo para hablantes de inglés o español, ¡todos los idiomas están permitidos.

4.- No se permite el discurso de odio.
No creo que sea necesario explicar esto.

5.- ¡Sé amable!
Es posible que no compartas todas las opiniones que tienen otras mamás o que no estés de acuerdo con la forma en que una mamá maneja su forma de ser mamá, puedes disentir, ¡lo que no puedes es ser un troll o una mala persona!

Tag | Etiqueta

Please do use the tag #motherhood on your post so is easily found by other users.

Utilice la etiqueta #motherhood en su publicación (así sea en español) para que otros

Badges | Insignias

If you are a member of our community and want a badge next to your name let us know on the comments and we can put it for you!!

Si eres miembro de nuestra comunidad y quieres una insignia al lado de tu nombre puedes solicitarla en los comentarios!

Team | Equipo

Right now, since the community is still small, the team consist of only one person me @victoriabsb, as the community grows a little bit more, we can add more mods and helpers. But this is a community of moms for moms, I just make sure it runs smoothly and has the promotion it needs to get exposure.

Por ahora, dado que la comunidad aún es pequeña, el equipo consta de solo una persona, yo @victoriabsb, a medida que la comunidad crezca un poco más, podemos agregar más mods y ayudantes. Pero esta es una comunidad de mamás para mamás, yo solo me aseguro de que funcione sin problemas y tenga la promoción que necesita para obtener exposición.

Our community maybe a small one but we are slowly growing!

Nuestra comunidad es pequeña, pero está creciendo poco a poco!



As always, thank you very much for reading this far and
We hope to read your comments!

This post also acts as an entry to @theycallmedan initiative of #HiveCommunities to know more about it please check his post

Picture Credit: All images are of my property unless said otherwise and the emojis are made with!

We Love The Minnow Support Project, If You Are Not Yet on The Community What Are You Waiting For?? CLICK below!!!


Are you a Mom? Of a human or a Cat or a Dog or of anything? Join us in our Community!

 4 years ago  

Congratulations @motherhood! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :

You received more than 10 upvotes. Your next target is to reach 50 upvotes.

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Do not miss the last post from @hivebuzz:

Feedback from the September 1st Hive Power Up Day

Tienes mi atención, hay mucho sobre ser madre... Tanto que contar.

Saludos, éxitos. 🤗

 4 years ago  

Estoy encantada 😊,tengo una bebé que justo ayer cumplió sus 7 meses de vida y desde ya estoy ansiosa por contarles como ha Sido toda esta experiencia💖mi gorda me cambio la vida🎈

This is overwhelming! Thank you, now I know that there is a community that I can now share my insights and experiences on my journey of being a mom. Indeed, thanks for being a blessing 😇

This is great and overwhelming. i will also love to have a badge attached to my username in this community

Hello everyone 🙌! I'm a newbie on Hive and I've been exploring some communities where I could countribute.

I'm a physiotherapist and I have some ideas I would like to apply on Hive and I think I need some guidance.
My area of expertise is in Women's Health and Pediatrics and although I'm not a mom myself, I was wondering if this motherhood dedicated community would be the proper place I could maybe develop some informative posts about pregnancy, post-partum and child neurodevelopment. I already develop content for an Instagram professional page and I see many new possibilities to make different and meaningful content here on Hive!

I would love to hear any kind of feedback from other hivers since I just arrived 2 days ago and still haven't done my introduction post yet.
If there are physio collegues out there that have simmilar ideas please reach out! I think it could be an interesting idea to create helpfull content for parents based on scientific evidence.

With my best regards,

I'd really love that and I'm sure the community would appreciate such information too❤️

I appreciate your feedback 🙏! Now that I know this community is the proper place for this kind of content I'm even more excited to start 😁 just need to make sense out of some "Hive language" yet, but I hope soon I'll be able to contribute to the Motherhood community 😊

Buenas tardes @motherhood saludos maternales a todas , soy una mama de la tercera edad ,aun no soy abuela quisiera saber si puedo hablar de mi experiencia ...gracias @janitzearratia

Hola buenas madrugadas por estos lados del Oriente Venezolano.

Voy a empezar a publicar en esta comunidad y pues claro que primero estaba leyendo las reglas para seguirlas al pue de la letra.

Mucho que contar, ya que mi vida son mis hijas.

Espero contar con las lecturas de los padres que hacen vida aquí.

Hi. I would certainly want a badge next to my name soon! But first, I would like to post my second write up in your community. Thank you.

Hi @victoriabsb, how are you?
I would like to be part of the community and receive the badge.
Thanks! 😀

Excelente inisiatio muchas gracias me gustaria lograr tener un insignia 🙏🏻