What every childs needs (Healthy) /Parental duties

in Motherhoodlast year (edited)

Season greatings great families

Hope you all had a great day today, i want to deliberate you all, about perantal duties and what every childs needs

Starting with parental duties

Two weeks ago, one of my neighbors daughter came back from Port Harcourt with this 5 month old baby Girl, so beautiful, as she came back with this baby, no one knows she came back with plans on her mind, she came back on Friday, Sunday morning she kept the baby on her mother's bedroom and run away , no one knows her way about up till today, so her rumors is on Facebook all social media, just for her tocome back and take good care of her child.
I'm talking about Parental duties is not an easy thing to become a mother

Here is the baby Girl

To be a mother and take the cross, also take the responsibility of a mother is what i deeply descide to do, let us, as a mother take the necessary parental responsibility and duties in our home, some parents didn't have time for their family.
Children have the right to be safe, to be treated with affection, to be educated, to have medical care and to he protected against cruelty and abuse.
Parents have the duty to protect their childrens rights untill they are old enough to make their own way in the world.
Having some parental experience in life is a big knowledge and understand way to fellow in anyway of parental aspect, because oneday you will be leaving your family and have your own family, you might have not seen any help from someone and you have to continue your life with the little experience you have.

From day one to nine month is what I'm using my experience on, i develop my interest and all of my efforts on her, to make her feel so excited and look healthy, the parental duties is the authority to make a good decision concerning and affecting the care, wellfare and proper development of our child/children.

What are the parental duties

  • To protect your child from harm

  • To provide your child with food clothing and a place to live

  • To financially support your child

  • To provide safety supervision and control

  • To provide medical care

  • To provide an education

Perhaps the most important Factor of all is time, without a enough of time spending with our kids or being a good and responsible mother we will definitely miss out on wonderful privilege of parenting and our kids will also miss out on their meeds.
Time is the miracle solution for most dilemmas of parenthood, dearest parents let us therefore take in some time and hours, to spend with our kids because it will gives us the opportunity to provide their essential needs and many more.

what every childs needs

Every childs needs a parental care, we as a mother need to be looking after our child because they can change and perform some illegal performance, and it will help us notice when they needed a medical care, i notice a day before yesterday that i baby iis not feeling too well, she hardly wakeup in the morning, being too dull and sleepy, so i quickly too her to our family Doctor to run some taste and he discovered that she had a malaria typhoid so i had to buy some drugs for, after that the Doctor gave me some drugs for hee recovery.

Being a mother is not just bearing the name but giving out what they needs.
Chids needs to be having a safe and loving home and spending time family, playing, singing, reading and talking, all this are important to them, proper nutrition, exercise also can make a deference.
Our childs also need to thrive, Security, Stability, Consistency, Emotional support, Love, Education, and many more
All this are what our childs needs, as a good parents let's do the necessary things for our child/children, remember they are the leaders of tomorrow.

I keep on saying that there is no strong bond than that of a good mother, so let us keep moving forward. 🧑‍🍼🧑‍🍼🧑‍🍼🧑‍🍼🧑‍🍼🧑‍🍼🧑‍🍼

Thank you so much for reading through all my steps, see you all in my next post, big hug 💗💗💗