
in Motherhoodlast year
Authored by @ritadomnic

Good morning people of hive!
It's nice meeting you people after along period of time.

An an automobile also called auto car, motor car or car is a wheeled motor vehicle use for transporting passengers which also carries its own engine or motor.

Automobiles are designed to run primarily on roads, to have seating for one to eight people typically to have four wheels and to be constructed principally for carrying people rather than goods.
the word auto mobile comes from the French word automobile from the ancient Greek word authors (self) and the Latin mobilis(movable).
Meaning a vehicle that moves. the alternative name car is believed to originate from the Latin word carrus( wheeled vehicle) or the middle English word carre(cart).
most automobile in use today are propelled by an internal combustion engine, fuelled by deflagration of gasoline (petrol) or diesel. both fuels are known to cause air pollutions and are also blamed for contributing to climate change.

How does a car work? When a driver turns a key in the ignition, the car battery sends power to the starter motor which turns the crankshaft, which gets the piston moving, and the engine fires up and tricks over. a fan drawns are into the engine through an air filter. the air filters removed the dirt and grit from the air which is drawn into a chamber where fuel, petrol or diesel is added.
The fuel air mix( a vaporized gas )is stored in the chamber. when the driver presses the accelerator pedal, the throttle valve is opened. the fuel air mix passes through an intake manifold and is distributed, through intake valves, into the cylinders.
The crankshaft controls the opening and closing of the valves.the distributor makes the spark plugs spark which inturn , causes the crankshaft to rotate.
As the Piston are forced up and down to Rotate the crankshaft, and after sending the power through the transmission, the crankshaft turns the wheels make the motor move.