Mommy brain(why forget everything)

in Motherhood4 years ago

Those who have become mothers have noticed that the brain before childbirth and the next brain capacity are not the same? I don't remember anything after I was a child, where I put it, what I said, what I did, what I read - nothing.
You can't even match simple words or simple equations.


Exclude your own words. I looked at my mother. Mommy is pretty Forgetful, isn't she? Leaving things in one place and looking in another. We see a lot like this, don't we?


Why are mothers like that? Science says that the effects of hormones on the mother's body from pregnancy cause some changes in the neurotransmitters in the brain. Then having a baby, a diet change, a stress, insufficient sleep - all together make mothers forgetful.
It's called Mommy brain.


How long does that last? -
Some recover quite quickly. However, it can last up to 2 years. If the stress is high, if the gap between the two children is small, if it is in a random routine, if the diet is not proper, it will last for more than 2 years.


So those who are thinking 'why forget everything' can take this comfort. And if you find yourself suspicious, you can consult a neuro specialist.