Hola familia hermosa de la comunidad de #motherhood espero se encuentren todos muy bien, el dia de hoy fue muy divertito realice con mi sobrino un estacionamiento con reciclaje para sus carritos🚖🚧🎨✂
Hello, beautiful family from the #motherhood community, I hope you are all very well, today it was very fun to make a parking lot with recycling for their carts with my nephew🚖🚧🎨✂
Pues como ya les habia mencionado en uno de mis post anteriores mi sobrino tienen una mente muy cretiva.
Well, as I had already mentioned in one of my previous posts, my nephew has a very creative mind.
A el le encanta muchisimo ver comiquitas de carritos en especial una llamada Tayo🚉 y en esa comiquita aparace un estacionamiento y pues mi sobrino me dijo que queria algo asi para sus carritos
He loves to see cart comics, especially one called Tayo🚉, and in that comic there is a parking lot and my nephew told me that he wanted something like that for his carts.
Asi que busque cartonpega pinturas y tijera y comence a realizarle su estacionamiento
So I looked for cardboard, paints and scissors and began to make its parking
El se sento al lado mio con un poco de impaciencia, porque ya queria que le entregara su estacionamiento
He sat next to me with a little impatience, because he already wanted me to hand over his parking lot.
Como estaba tan impaciente lo puse a ayudarme a pintar y a recortar
As he was so impatient I put him to help me paint and cut
No le agrado mucho pero como le dije que era para terminar rapido se animo
He did not like me very much but as I told him it was to finish quickly he encouraged
El proceso haciendo esto a sido un poco estresante ya que pierdo un poco la paciencia cuando me apuran pero bueno jajajajja asi va quedando
The process doing this has been a bit stressful since I lose patience a bit when they rush me but hey hahaha, that's how it stays
Mi sobrino al ver que el tiempo pasaba y su estacionamiento no estaba listo, cuando vio que lo estaba terminando de pegar no se resistio y tomo sus carritos y comenzo a jugar en el jajajjaja
My nephew when he saw that time passed and his parking lot was not ready, when he saw that he was finishing hitting it, he did not resist and took his carts and began to play in the hahahahaha
Ya listo el estacionamiento mi sobrino me abrazo y me dio muchisimos besos, me decia tia tina te amo mucho lo logramos.
The parking lot was ready, my nephew hugged me and gave me many kisses, aunt Tina told me I love you so much we did it.
Su carita de alegria me lleno el corazon de mucha satisfaccion.Ver feliz a mi pequeño sobrino es lo mejor, Lo amo mucho con demasiado♥
His face of joy filled my heart with a lot of satisfaction Seeing my little nephew happy is the best, I love him so much with too much ♥