En realidad la crianza es relativa, si de mi opinión depende, una buena crianza depende mucho de los dos, cada uno tiene un impacto en la crianza de un niño, cada uno tiene un toque individual en emociones y sentimientos de los hijos. No es lo mismo lo que una madre le aporta emocionalmente a un hijo, a lo que papá aporta. Los dos tienen particularidades distintas; mientras mamá le brinda, amor, comprensión y apoyo, papá le da estabilidad, protección, carácter. Las dos partes son importantes para el desarrollo de su hijo. Esta de parte de ellos que método utilizan para brindarle a su hijo la mejor crianza.
En el caso de mi pareja y yo, nos dedicamos siempre a brindarle a nuestra pequeña amor, cariño , carácter, estabilidad y protección. A penas es una nena de año y medio y aunque aún hay cosas que obviamente ella no entiende, nos esforzamos para que poco a poco vaya aprendiendo, no importa la situación en que la relación de pareja se encuentre, nuestra prioridad es su bienestar y si ella está bien, todo nuestro mundo está bien.
No importa si papá y mamá están separados, los hijos es lo importante, debe brindársele el mismo amor sin importar las circunstancias.
Actually it is a question that many ask themselves, I cannot say exactly who has the greatest responsibility when raising a child, everyone says that it is the mother because the mother is the one who takes care of, the mother is the one who everything and that father cares. Bringing money home and things like that, but not in all families it is the same because some couples work and the baby takes turns or is given a babysitter, sometimes it is the mother who works and the father attends at home and how most of In the cases, Mom is the one who stays at home and Dad works.
In reality, fatherhood is relative, if in my opinion it depends, good fatherhood depends a lot on both, each one has an impact on raising a child, each one has an individual touch on the emotions and feelings of children. . What a mother brings emotionally to a child is not the same as what a father brings. The two have different quirks; While Mom gives her love, understanding, and support, Dad gives her stability, protection, and character. Both parts are important to your child's development. It is up to them which method they use to provide the best parenting for their children.
In the case of my partner and I, we are always dedicated to providing our little bit of love, affection, character, stability and protection. She has barely a year and a half of baby and although there are still things that she obviously does not understand, we strive so that little by little she learns, no matter the situation in which the couple's relationship is, our priority is her well-being. And if she's okay, our whole world is okay
It does not matter if mom and dad are separated, the children are the important thing, the same love should be given regardless of the circumstances.
Separadores: Canva.com
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Separadora: Canva.com
Images of flags
La responsabilidad de la crianza de los hijos es una actividad compartida. Por algo hizo Dios Padre y Madre.