Hola apreciada y bendecida comunidad de #Motherhood deseando que Dios bendiga rica y abundantemente a todos esos padres y madres que con amor, dedicación, determinación y pasión cada día sin importar las barreras que se presentan en el camino están dispuestos a seguir adelante con la mirada fija en la meta de brindar un futuro lleno de esperanza y de amor a esos pequeños que con sus miradas, toque o palabra cambian por completo nuestra vidas.
Hello appreciated and blessed community of #Motherhood wishing that God richly and abundantly bless all those fathers and mothers who with love, dedication, determination and passion every day regardless of the barriers that come in the way are willing to move forward with their eyes fixed on the goal of providing a future full of hope and love to those little ones that with their looks, touch or word completely change our lives.
In this opportunity I want to share with much emotion for all of you my experience as an uncle with the arrival of a new member to my family in this case my first niece and granddaughter of my parents who arrived as a gift from God to our home. In my family we are a small group of five members: my dad, my mom, my two sisters and me, although we were all married we had not yet been able to have children and one of my sister was the first to bring to our family a special being, in my case a niece and for my parents their first granddaughter.
La llegada de esta hermosa niña a nuestra familia fue motivo de gran gozo indescriptible al punto de que todos nosotros centramos nuestra atención en ella , al salir de casa para el trabajo , a las compras diarias estábamos apurados para regresar al hogar con el fin de ver a esa princesita y como dicen en mi país Venezuela: Estábamos chochos, la consentíamos mucho y a veces comprábamos cosas que realmente no necesitaba.
The arrival of this beautiful girl to our family was a cause of great indescribable joy to the point that all of us focused our attention on her, when we left home for work, to the daily shopping we were in a hurry to return home in order to see that little princess and as they say in my country Venezuela: We were excited, we spoiled her a lot and sometimes we bought things that she really did not need.
Bueno ni les cuento como se sentían mis padres al convertirse en abuelos primerizos la emoción no les cabía en el pecho , les comento que mis padres hicieron con su primera nieta lo que nunca habían hecho por nosotros, no encontraban donde ponerla a dormir , al momento de quedarse dormida la estaban vigilando pendientes de que nada le pasara, porque decían que los nietos son miniaturas de sus hijos mayores , por otra parte, mi hermana era y es aún una tía consentidora al regresar de su trabajo siempre traía algo para nuestro nuevo miembro familiar. Les cuento que mis padres se identificaron mucho con una canción muy hermosa de Juan Gabriel titulada : Ha llegado un ángel, .
Well, I can't even tell you how my parents felt when they became first time grandparents, they were so excited, I tell you that my parents did with their first granddaughter what they had never done for us, they couldn't find a place to put her to sleep, when she fell asleep they were watching her to make sure nothing happened to her, because they said that grandchildren are miniatures of their older children, on the other hand, my sister was and still is a spoiled aunt when she came back from work she always brought something for our new family member. I tell you that my parents identified very much with a very beautiful song by Juan Gabriel entitled: Ha llegado un ángel, (An angel has arrived).
To conclude I tell you that it was an unforgettable moment that marked and left many beautiful memories in my heart to see that precious little person. And even more gratifying and exciting is when for the first time they call you uncle.
Translated with https://www.deepl.com/translator
Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría, capturadas por una cámara Síragon LC-3000 y editadas en Power Point
All images are my own, captured by a Síragon LC-3000 camera and edited in Power Point.