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RE: Never Been A Better Pot To Piss In

in The LooLoo3 years ago

You and me both. I'll often wait for a stall to open up if there's several fellas in there. At an airport for example, they always tend to be busy, I'll wait for a stall.

But it was just me and the urinal and the window in this one. I took my time! = }

Nice to see you Ammonite. You didn't answer me on that sand castle crumble you posted, were you one of those two people in the lift as sand was falling?


Sorry, got pulled away from my compture before I could answer all my comments. Yes I was one of the lucky souls in the lift. You can read all about it in my next post that I am writing at the moment.
I was hoping I could stop these videos appearing as a post and just embed them in the post I am doing but alas there does not seem to be an option in 3speak.

3speak can be challenging huh?

You're insane! I would've zoomed that lift to safety so fast! Man, I saw you guys watching that sand crumble like "go! Hurry!" Glad you guys didn't get buried, that could've been serious. Serious-serious.

Hi Dan, Here is the full story. It was a crazy project and luckily nobody got hurt.