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RE: Never Been A Better Pot To Piss In

in The LooLoo3 years ago

Ewok finger, yeah I caught that one too. Helluva reference!

Many parts of Europe, Greece for example, has public toilets at floor level, seen any of those? There's no seat or elevation or anything, just a bowl in the ground. Plumbing and everything's the same but yeah, seeing those is a trip. Dude I wish so bad I coulda shit when I saw those things!! Back in the day we didn't have poop schedules, remember that? Now it's a morning thing only, anything else is cause for concern and how tf did I veer off to poop schedules?? 🤷🏼

That Ohio one has stage fright written all over it!

Yeah the window's mirrored. It's a hotel also so all the windows are mirrored the same. No way to know unless they know what they're looking for.

Nice to see you sir.


1.jpgI am just glad @cmplxty did not say I had his Ass... that woulda' been shitty.

One time when I was real good and never did anything wrong and only walked and talked accordingly in Las Vegas and blended in society I saw a house for sale. On top of the for sale sign was another sign; white and red, Pool, it said.


I went to a nearby Target and got a red paint pen and went back to that house with the for sale sign with a sign that said Pool on it and made the l a capital P.


It was like that for like a week!

To be Young and Crazy...

Oh Shit... That was last month right..?

Sorry man missed this one! Thankfully @krazzytrukker has my back!

I remember I had to shit in the place in Ohio, it was on schedule I think maybe, not like it is now when you get older but ya it was tough to do the deed where I can see people. Definitely one of the weirdest places I've dropped one!

I was always looking for those hole in the floor deals in Italy. I heard there were some in Rome but I never found one. Shame! I would’ve tried to shit in one lol

I don't remember seeing any in Rome. Anywhere in Italy actually. But they're everywhere in Greece. Pura couldn't do it, she's like no way I'm squatting on the floor and then there's me, so disappointed each time I saw one I couldn't poop! Dude I wanted to poop in one so bad.

This urinal article initiated a lotta poop talk.