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RE: Never Been A Better Pot To Piss In

in The LooLoo • 2 years ago

Frank was so pissed! He came right to me, too, I know you wrote it!! And I said something to the affect, stop being a dick.

Or the one my mind is directing to.😂

That one.

He never did lighten up on that job, I was happy when it was over. Know what though? I crossed paths with him again many years later and he wasn't such a dick anymore.


Oh Poor frank.

And I said something to the affect, stop being a dick.

Lmao! 😂

I crossed paths with him again many years later and he wasn't such a dick anymore.

See, People do changes with the time getting pissed off and realizing lately. Well Glad to hear he ain't same anymore.

Hope you're having a Good Friday bud.!