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RE: Never Been A Better Pot To Piss In

in The LooLoo3 years ago

You're just so got dang sweet!

Hello young lady. In all the loos I've been and all the urinals I've used, that's the only window I've ever seen.

Those catchphrases are genius! I'm not exaggerating or anything. "Splashing experience!" L O L

As I'm sure you can imagine, I've seen the other side of those stall doors plenty'0 times. You really do have a phobia don't you? Finding an escape route is something I inherently do everywhere I go and I don't think I've ever searched one out from the loo. I'm probably ruined now. I'll be looking for Lizelles escape route at the toilets.

Yeah, disappointing. But things like this are beyond our control. We have to believe it's meant to be and everything will work out the way it's supposed to. It always does. = } Life.... What a trip!

Thank you.