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RE: Never Been A Better Pot To Piss In

in The LooLoo3 years ago

They are a little close aren't they? Might be a two person max. = } Those shapes are unique actually, can't say I've seen many square urinals like that. But really, they probably could've done without the middle one, I don't imagine more than two dudes would puss at the same time.

I don't think we've met. Pleasure to be met. Was gonna welcome you to the blockchain but you got many years here. Hey, did I read this correctly, you're a physician in Dubai?



Yup, I wouldn't be too comfortable if someone else would piss beside me hahahaha, I'd probably wait for my turn or for them to leave. Yep, my first time seeing square urinals,

I just actually saw your post reblogged, so I decided to visit it and I really found it interesting. It's nice to meet you too! Hahaha, I'm not as active as before because life here in Dubai seems so busy but I'm trying my best to engage with some people hehe. I'm actually a physiotherapist, not a physician.

Have a !PIZZA

I would love to see Dubai. All I ever hear about it is how nice it is and how fancy everything is. It's also widely known how expensive it is to visit. Even flights to and from are substantially more than most.

Well I'm glad you saw it. Big THANKS to the person who reblogged it. Thanks for sticking around. If I disappoint just let me know and I'll kick my ass for you. = }

Hopefully, you'll be able to visit this place one day. A lot of fancy things, but it's a different story if you're an ex-pat working here. I didn't know about the flights. Though a lot of the people with who I interact love staying here because it's in the middle and they can just travel anywhere.

I'm also glad that I was able to meet you here after how many years of being in this blockchain. You're welcome. Don't worry ill let you know HAHAHAHA


We know why they are so close...

Proof !!

It's only weird if dude holds it while you smoke when no one's pissing.

Ehhhh... Weird on all the levels.

Just weird...

And I carry wet wipes. No Funky Munkey Butt for this Trucker.!!
