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RE: Never Been A Better Pot To Piss In

in The LooLoo3 years ago

Say No To Drugs on something designed to be pissed on

That is pretty funny! Typical double message from those who want to save us from ourselves, when really we need saving from them.

How pleased I am to know where you'll be pissing. And that there is a community for toilets.


:rubbing my eyes: Two Owasco sightings in the same week? Someone pinch me! = }

Good morning. Wtf kinda message is that right? In the basin of urinals they usually have a perforated rubber splash guard thing lining the bottom. Weird right, "Say No To Drugs" are the only words on the thing and here we are pissing on it! Hard not to laugh.

LooLoo, yeah whowho knewknew?

I'll try to keep this short. I don't know what you're going through but trust me when I say I have a vague idea. God bless you. Thanks for keeping an eye on me with everything you have on your plate. It's my pleasure to entertain you. 💖

Thank you friend. Your humor and observations float my rocking boat for sure. You were missing for a bit there, weren't you? Either that, or my feed went wonky.

I'm still not all here. :wink:

Not a wonky feed at all. I've been a lot more miss recently than hit. No comparison to anything you're dealing with but my plate has been increasingly overwhelming. It's these times I tend to distance myself cuz I don't have much good to say. Out of respect to the platform and anyone else, it's in my best interest to step back. But I'll be back.

Your humor and observations float my rocking boat for sure.

That virtual pressure on your cheek was me. 😘