How much time do you usually spend on the loo? Well, I guess it depends on the activity, right?
If I'm taking a shower on weekdays, it would be between 10-15 minutes and on weekends, 20 minutes tops! You'd be surprised to learn that I usually take less than 5 minutes to defecate; so one might never distingush if I'm pooping or just urinating as it takes more or less the same time to do both.
But during this particular trip up North of Cebu for another Strategic Planning, my record time for pooping was tested. You'll see later on why I had to adjust. I'll do another post to tour you around the house where we stayed or I think mansion would be more fitting in this case. But I find some of the house's toilet fascinating and decided to make this separate post to highlight the loos.
The first one which I had to use immediately upon arrival was this loo which was creatively fitted to match the house's shape and form. This was right below one of the stair leading to the 2nd floor which explains the irregular shape of the toilet. I'm glad I'm not tall and didn't have any difficulty of using this loo. Aside from its shape, this loo was pretty simple yet elegant and most importantly, fresh and clean.
Now this is where the real problem begins. There were like 20 of us in the meeting and with only 1 toilet for all of us, I soon found myself looking for the next nearest one. Again, this is a mansion and going back to the room assigned to me would probably mean wasting 5 minutes for nothing. Thankfully, my colleagues, who were staying near our meeting area, offered their room's toilet. I was glad to hear it; it meant I wouldn't have to walk downstairs and into empty halls filled with eerie silence. I grabbed their keys and excused myself for a while.
When I stepped inside their toilet, questions after questions filled my mind. "Seriously? This is a toilet?" "How am I supposed to relieve myself here?" "Can people see me from afar?"
Three decades on Earth but this was my first encounter with this kind of loo. I love everything about the comfort room's design except for one. I was welcomed with a massive mirror with a
counter for make-up, hygience products, and those kind of things only women can understand. The huge room is divided by a thin concrete wall, on one side is the toilet while on the other was the shower. Unless you trust who you're with or don't mind having other people around while you do your stuff in the bathroom, it would be totally uncomfortable to share it with someone else.
As you can see, there isn't a door that secures the toilet and the shower. But this isn't my main concern and by now, I guess you've figured it out. Both the toilet and the shower area have this half bare wall covered only by baby chinese bamboos, the only thing that kept people outside from peeping on what was happening inside the comfort room.
I understand the overall design goal of this mansion but all I ask is to have a peaceful toilet time without worrying about anything else other than relieving myself. It was a very stressful situation for me. LOL! 😅
Apparently, there was another toilet with more or less the same design as my colleague's toilet. The only difference is that there's no shower here and the toilet was farther from the open side of the toilet. For that reason, I used this more than my workmate's toilet.
The toilet in my assigned room was huge but basic. It might look old but I got all I need plus the privacy. This was my favorite comfort room among the four I've tried. 😅
Have you tried this kind of loo before? I'm curious about your reaction? Was I overthinking and overreacting? I would really love to hear a story or two from you!
Living life intentionally every single day, she believes that there’s no limit to one’s potential. Right now, she’s on the loose for the pursuit of endless holistic self-growth and development. She wants to light the way for others. She believes there’s no better way to leave a legacy than to pay it forward.
Her ultimate goal in life is to reach the state of enlightenment where there’s nothing but peace, love, happiness, and contentment - nothing more, nothing less.
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