Who Gives A Crap: Toilet Paper Review (I Know, Right?)

in The LooLoolast year

Fun fact - did you know Australians were the worst at hoarding toilet paper during the apocalypse of 2020? Insane right? Don't worry about food or anything - just make sure you can wipe your butt with a good ply.


It was almost embarrassing. Memes went crazy. People hoarded and fought over it like you wouldn't believe. The supermarket shelves were empty. Meanwhile, in the UK, there was plenty of toilet paper and beer and French wine and we were sitting pretty. I honestly didn't know what my countrymen were thinking.


When we got back, supplies were limited. I was hoping Jamie would finally instal that bidet hose we bought in Asia in 2015. I like feeling that clean down there. We tried ordering from the online company 'Who Gives a Crap.', but they were sold out too. We made do with our six pack a week. I wasn't panicking, but my heart rate went up if I saw it on the shelves. HAd anyone else seen it? What was the limit? Could I get Jamie to come back and get some more? Then I'd slap myself and move on.

I thought of 'Who Gives a Crap' the other day when I posted this photo, thinking nothing of the box really. You guys thought it was funny, so this post is about providing context for those who don't know about this company.


Basically, you subscribe to a toilet paper delivery service. Wait, bear with me. I wasn't convinced for years. But then other people I knew swore by it, and I did my research, realising that it costs no more than the equivalent quality at the supermarket, or a negligable amount more, and I'd never run out of toilet paper, because I wouldn't forget if it arrived in the post.

Now I have a cupboard full of toilet paper. Bring on the apocalypse!


But the cool thing is they sent you an email before they send a box out, and you can delay by two weeks, or longer if you like. Sometimes I delay every two weeks for two months if I've got a backlog (no pun intended). Stupidly I forgot last time and ended up with toilet paper up to my ears. Oh, the power!


Check Who Gives a Crap out - honestly, it's worth it. It's also sustainable (made of bamboo). They started the company because they wanted to make a difference, so they donate 50% of the profit to 'help build toilets and improve sanitation in the developing world.'.

Far less selfish than hoarding toilet paper all to oneself, no?

With Love,


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That last one 🤣 If Australia took the lead in the great panic SA was hot on your tail. I was asking the same question. HELLOOOOOOOO?!!! What about FOOD? Nobody gives a crap (literally) if they don't first panic pile those doomsday tinned beans to be able to actually give a crap. Duh

Oh, thought they were a local thing, but they appear to be worldwide! Cool!
I used to go to local refill shop who used to sell them, but I always preferred recycled paper over producing new; I understand that's not to everyone's tender bottom liking though..
I usually order a big box of unwrapped rolls that lasts me ages.
Sadly that little shop is closed now; people go cheap unfortunately and don't think about the consequences that will get us all in the end.. 😕

 last year  

I wish they'd sell them unwrapped but I trust they are doing what they can to bring us the most sustainable product they can.


I can't imagine how it must have felt living in that time. Toilet paper hoarding, the whole shebang. But I can imagine the crazy memes though. Glad things are somewhat normalized now. I did chuckle about the carton when I saw it in the other post. It's good you've cleared things up. How enlightening.🌺

 last year  

It's so long ago now it seems bizarre! I've tried to block alot out...

That toilet paper fiasco was just crazy. I mean is that really the most important item for people. Keep their butt's clean whilst the world goes to shit, lol. Pun is very much intended there.
"Who gives a crap", that's a great name. Was it created by @galenkp by any catch? Xxxx

 last year (edited) 

Hahah I can see why you think @galenkp may have invented the name 🤣 can you imagine the brainstorming session to come up with this name?

I always feel I spent the first few weeks of the pandemic with you remember the Discord parties? They were great.

They were great, sanity in a time of madness. Just what was needed xxxx

We need to think of "who gives a crap" when we are taking a crap. LOL

I thought that it was in the US which has the toilet paper apocalypse during covid.
But apparently I was wrong.

I can imagine how embarrassing it was. Why would they hoard toilet paper out of all things that should be hoard like food?
That's funny...lol

Brilliant! The problem with waiting until the crap hits the fan is exactly as you outlined. Everyone goes out and buys at the same time causing disruptions. This is why beginning in February 2020, after realizing a potential lab-made bioweapon had just been released, I began to buy extra toilet every time I did groceries. Only few were paying attention at the time so there was no rush. Little by little, I amassed reserves of toilet paper and other goods, and by the time the panic set in early march, I was already prepared. All I had to do was sit back and watch everyone run around with their hair on fire before getting locked in.

I think a few more pandemics will hit in our lifetime, and we will all do exactly the same as before x 1000. So this service is actually not a bad idea. I already have enough razors to last me several apocalypses thanks to a subscription service.

Toilet paper review 🤦 and memes too. Wasting your writing talents 😂🤣😂

Haha Greeks went crazy about toilet paper too!
Homo Sapiens is a weird animal :)

I have the room so I buy paper products in bulk packages, mostly because I never know when I can get to the store. This is the current storing place:

Cellar cleaned up crop March 2023.jpg