Hello Everyone!
Today I went for a short walk to capture some of the fungi growing in the nearby forest. Finally one of my favorite mushrooms in terms of looks started to appear almost everywhere.
Amanita muscaria - Magic mushrooms that will give the spiritual experience (I am not giving any advice, YOU probably shouldn't try to eat it, it can cause poisoning to your body). Anyway, aren't they beautiful?
Now for some Edible mushrooms
Suillus viscidus
Suillus bovinus
Boletus badius
Cantharellus cibarius: One of the top mushrooms when it comes to taste, it also has valuable properties. Used mainly for deworming, 200ml of mushrooms + 150ml of vodka and you got yourself a deworming potion. Let that sink for 14 days and drink a small spoon before going to sleep.
Now when it comes to Russula I don't really know what the exact species I found, I always forget to taste them. I remember that if they are not bitter then you can eat them, just don't confuse them with Death caps.
Russula vinosa ?
Russula decolorans?
Last year I started collecting and eating puffballs, the taste is similar to button mushrooms, strangely I didn't find a single one this year, only the similar-looking Scleroderma citrinum which isn't edible.
Not it's time for you to guess the mushroom, I am not familiar with those or I just forgot the names since they are not edible anyway.
Russula nigricans?
Paxillus involutus? Wool-like texture on the cap
No idea
Inocybe lilacina?
Laccaria laccata? If yes then it's an edible mushroom.
That's a strange one, some sort of slime mold?
Hypholoma fasciculare?
I found a couple more different mushrooms but it was getting dark so I left them for the next time.
Thank you for your time and see you next time!