#CAMPFIRE CONVERSATION: Season 10 - [Fungi Lovers Challenge]

in Fungi Lovers4 years ago (edited)

Hola, fungi lovers!

My unauthorized absence is over and I am again with you at the fire. Yes, in the forest I did not have enough Internet. However, taking a break from virtual life is also useful. True, I was not lucky with the weather, one day I was even covered with snow, but a couple of days were sunny. But let's move on to our conversations.

Моя самовольная отлучка закончилась и я снова с вами у костра. Да, в лесу мне не хватало интернета. Впрочем, отдохнуть от виртуальной жизни тоже полезно. Правда, с погодой не повезло, один день меня даже засыпало снегом, но пара-тройка дней были солнечными. Но перейдём к нашим беседам.

Нам прошлом заседании у костра мы занимались магией.Ничего серьёзного, я думаю, что адепты разных религий могут не волноваться, а вот шаманы нас могли бы радостно приветствовать. Должен заметить, что грибы сами по себе являются волшебными. Они не относятся к миру растений, у них свой собственный мир. Они способны управлять поведением муравьёв и людей и у них есть свой собственный интернет.

We were engaged in magic last meeting by the fire. Nothing serious, I think that adherents of different religions can not worry, but shamans could happily greet us. I must admit that mushrooms are magical in themselves. They do not belong to the plant world, they have their own world. They are able to control the behavior of ants and humans, and they have their own internet.

What do you think Santa Claus and his reindeer flying across the sky ate? And the color of his beautiful fur coat ... :)If there is a kingdom of mushrooms, then there must be a king. He is also the main magician. Of course, this is the red fly agaric (Amanita muscaria). Do not believe me, ask the shamans or the Itelmen people living in Kamchatka. However, you can ask our friend @tych021.

Как вы думаете, что ел Санта Клаус и его олени летящие по небу? А цвет его прекрасной шубы... :)Если существует царство грибов, то в нём должен быть царь. Он же является и главным волшебником. Конечно, это красный мухомор (Amanita muscaria). Не верите, спросите у шаманов или людей ительменов, живущих на Камчатке. Впрочем, можете спросить нашего друга @tych021.

True, someone prefers to fly in the sky on ... unidentified flying objects. We have a specialist ufologist @suzana72. Yes, ufology also belongs to the section of witchcraft. It refers to everything that we do not understand. Until we finally understand it.

Правда, кто-то предпочитает летать но небу на...неопознанных летающих объектах. Среди нас есть специалист-уфолог @suzana72. Да, уфология тоже относится к разделу колдовства. Туда относится всё, что мы не понимаем. До тех пор, как наконец это поймём.

And here is the witchcraft session. Do you think that mushrooms grow just like that? You are wrong. A special ritual is needed. Our musician friend was invited to such a session with his magic instruments. Haven't you heard them yet? I recommend listening and watching. It is a pity that this magical picture has no musical accompaniment. But I think @ sketch.and.jam will fix this gap.

А вот и сеанс колдовства. Вы думаете, что грибы растут просто так? Ошибаетесь. Нужен особый ритуал. Наш друг-музыкант был приглашён на такой сеанс со своими волшебными инструментами. Вы ещё не слышали их? Рекомендую послушать и посмотреть. Жаль, что у этой магической картины нет музыкального сопровождения. Но я думаю, что @sketch.and.jam исправит этот пробел.

The old grandfather, wise with life experience, saw many rituals in his lifetime. They happen at night, but he doesn't need light to see. @ ruta-rudens knows this and I know she knows it.

Умудрённый жизненным опытом старый дед видел много ритуалов на своём веку. Они происходят по ночам, но ему не нужен свет для того, чтобы видеть. @ruta-rudens знает это и я знаю, что она это знает.

"Ok: a yellow-to-orange polypore mushroom I found back in 2019 in the local yard at St.Petersburg."
This is how the respected @qwerrie began his magical story. And what is there witchcraft, you ask? In this simple mushroom, he saw "a small bizarre planet or universe ... inhabited by insects." And what is this, if not witchcraft or the influence of the mushroom itself?

"Хорошо: желто-оранжевый полипоровый гриб я нашел еще в 2019 году в местном дворе в Санкт-Петербурге."
Так начал свою волшебную историю уважаемый @qwerrie. И что тут колдовского, спросите вы? В этом простом грибе он разглядел "маленькую причудливую планету или вселенную... населенную насекомыми." И что же это, если не колдовство или воздействие самого гриба?

Ha-ha-ha. Do you look at champignons and think how they have to do with magic and witchcraft mixed with magic? Stop talking about virtual magic, about magic in general. @regenerette invites us to do some practical magic. This magic happens every time in the kitchen. However, not every time. This requires a special mental attitude. Which one? Ask the hostess yourself or check out her commentary. Hint: The key word is love.

Ха-ха-ха. Вы смотрите на шампиньоны и думаете, какое отношение они имеют к волшебству и колдовству с магией вперемешку? Хватит рассуждать о виртуальной магии, о магии вообще. @regenerette предлагает нам заняться практической магией. Эта магия совершается каждый раз на кухне. Впрочем, не каждый раз. Для этого нужен специальный душевный настрой. Какой? Спросите сами у хозяйки или загляните в её комментарий. Подсказка: ключевое слово - любовь.

I ask the authors to excuse me for the free translation of our conversations around the fire.

I just scanned their hidden thoughts. This is also a kind of magic :-))

Если хотите погреться и поучаствовать в дружеской беседе, я вас приглашаю к нашему грибному костру https://hive.blog/hive-166168/@bambuka/campfire-conversation-fungi-lovers-challenge.

Спасибо всем, кто подкидывал дрова к наш костёр. Особая благодарность выражается @OCD за поддержание нашего костра и грибников.

Thanks to everyone who threw firewood to our fire. This time, special thanks go to @OCD for their support of our campfire and mushroom pickers.


The next topic is ... let's do this. The next campfire camp will be on a free topic, but with one condition. That is, each participant in the conversation tells something interesting and confirms this with his photograph. But at the same time, he must offer a version of a new topic for our conversations. The most interesting ones will be proposed for the next meetings.

Следующая тема -... а давайте поступим так. Следующий сбор у костра будет на свободную тему, но с одним условием. То есть, каждый участник беседы рассказывает что-то интересное и подтверждает это своей фотографией. Но при этом он должен предложить вариант новой темы наших бесед. Самые интересные будут предложены для следующих встреч.

Terms and conditions of participation are set out in the first post.

I'm waiting for your story by the fire

From Russia with Love



If you want to warm up and take part in a friendly conversation, I invite you to our mushroom fire https://hive.blog/hive-166168/@bambuka/campfire-conversation-fungi-lovers-challenge.
 4 years ago  

#CAMPFIRE CONVERSATION: Season 10 - [Fungi Lovers Challenge]

Topic free


A walk in the woods in Deliblato Sands has become a weekend trip. This time it was raining and the sand was wet ... And then it doesn't look like sandstone ... We walked along a new path and absorbed the view of new hills, bushes and pine groves. She went down another road, which leads right next to the forest. I didn't even think about mushrooms because there is tall grass everywhere, bushes to the forest and I can't enter ... I set off on the road when in front of a part of a branch, I bend down when there is a miniature mushroom. The nurse asks, "Are these maybe nails?" 😂
See and conclude?

An idea for a new topic ...
The most unusual place where you found a mushroom?

The most unusual place where you found a mushroom?

thats a nice prompt! I like it / qwerrie.

 4 years ago  

Thanks a lot qwerrie

 4 years ago  

Polen klein.jpg

Hi fungi lovers!
I want to participate with this photo, because it means really much to me. My girlfriend and I were in Poland last year, in a small village where we want to live one day. And look what we found in just 4 hours! We had to go back, because we couldnt carry more!
The photo makes me always smile when i look at it, because it was such a beautiful day and i know that i will find much more there in the future! :)

We dryed the most and gifted lots of them to friends and family.

I would be interested to know how all the fungi lovers started with the love to fungi! Thats why i would propose this as the next topic.

"How did your love for mushrooms begin?"
A good topic for conversation around the fire.
You have collected very good mushrooms. Of these, I like the colorful umbrellas the most. They are very tasty if baked in batter :)


Эта маленькая Пецица меня здорово порадовала прошлым летом! Я нашел ее на том месте, где мы выжигали обнаглевший ивняк на соседнем участке, и на горелом месте как раз появилось несколько таких малюток - прекрасный подарок для макро-фотографа.

I can suggest the new topics:

  • 'Rotten mushroom',
  • 'Aging badly'
  • 'Mushroom and his little companion'
  • 'Unusual spot for mushroom'

Как ты его разглядел только. Есть гриб, есть его компаньон (или пожиратель?), скоро он постареет и возможно станет безобразным... всё логично с темами :)))

 4 years ago  

I want you to tell us MORE about what you did on your trip to the forest.

I thought you will do MORE pictures with your activities.

I am a curious cat!


Some while ago, my friends found this thing in the forest and we washed and cleaned our food, washed the grill, cleaned while it was warm with a piece of pork grease. And we have eaten because we were starving.

Champignon mushrooms. Not my favourite but they are tasty on the grill.

I crave for so many things this evening. Might be because of my physical recovery. Life is getting back to me!

While I was in the forest, a lot of unfinished business accumulated. I didn’t even have time to look through my photos of forests, swamps and lakes. And they still need to be developed / processed. I will have something to show in the near future: D

Your grill looks delicious. I am glad that you are healthy and gaining strength. This is especially important after winter. Find Icelandic moss or bordered tinder fungus in the forest. Infusions of these funds are rich in nutrients and vitamins. Try them )

 4 years ago  

I might do once I can travel again. Now, it's hard even to reach the toilet sit 😅😄😆

Looking forward to see what you have hidden in stock!

Ask your friends. Maybe they can find it. This is really helpful.
You will get better soon :)
In the meantime, you can take a walk in the swamp :-)

 4 years ago  

I am noting them and look for their usage in remedies.

My friends don't go for mushrooms ...maybe just one, bur I'll see

Ty for the recommendation!

I went by your article and left you a comment, plus reblogged it.

Get well sooner!Thanks so much @regenerette :-)

 4 years ago  

Thank you!

Any mushrooms for cervical hernia?

 4 years ago  

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Here's a little pair of mycena getting destroyed by a hungry slug. These slugs are my biggest competition as a mushroom hunter. You have to get to the mushrooms before they start chewing holes into them. Maybe a good topic for one of the campfire stories would be "mushroom and slug".

Yes, this is actually a problem. Last year, slugs killed a lot of boletus. They liked this mushroom more than others. I was ready to destroy these slugs if I knew how: D
Yes, this is a good topic for conversation, I think that every mushroom picker has come across these guys :)

 4 years ago  

They are quite the competitor for us mushroom hunters. Perhaps I can figure out a good way to cook the slugs lol.

I am ready to put this competitor on my list of enemies. It's a shame to see mutilated mushrooms :)

 4 years ago  

Here are beautiful @bambuka stories about our photos and magical mushrooms🥰

Thank you very much for this gathering by the campfire 🤗❤️

The new challenge requires a little more imagination from us .... I will come up with something new and of course since I am a well-known UFO expert 😉 it will be a story 😄

Well, we will be happy to discuss your ufological story))

 4 years ago  

We also want to see how professional I really am😂

Well, we will be happy to discuss your ufological story))

Those fungi are very 😎 cool

did you read what the actual text is about... my fungi-attracted friend?