Witch circles ... sounds alarming, isn't it? In fact, these are circles composed of mushrooms. The young mycelium grows in circles in different directions and mushrooms grow along the edge. It turns out two circles, one underground or moss, and the second on the surface.
I filmed these circles on the camera of a push-button telephone of the ancient one as cellular communication itself. I hope you can make out these mushrooms and other small details of the forest. I had to process these pictures in Lightroom.
Ведьмины круги...звучит тревожно, неправда ли? На самом деле это крги, состочщие из грибов. Молодой мицелий разрастается кругами в разные стороны и по краю вырастают грибы. Получается два круга, один под землёй или мхом, а второй по поверхности.
Эти круги я снимал на камеру кнопочного телефона дрвнего как сама сотовая связь. Надеюсь вам удасться разглядеть эти грибы и другие мелкие детали леса. Мне пришлось обработать эти снимки в ЛайтРуме.
And, of course, speaking of mushrooms, I cannot but show my favorite fly agaric. Once I saw a circle of fly agaric, but not this time.
И, конечно, говоря о грибах я не могу не показать мои любимые мухоморы. Однажды я видел круг из мухоморов, но не в этот раз.
It was an interesting forest. Absolutely wild and impassable. But not for mushrooms.
Это был интересный лес. Абсолютно дикий и труднопроходимый. Но не для грибов.
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I don't think I have ever seen them grow in circles...
Or I didn't pay enough attention :p
Evidence Inside The Post :D
Yes, it does not often come across, but I have met it especially among the lamellar mushrooms and in open places.
> I don't think I have ever seen them grow in circles...
same. great to see an avidence too. thanks for posting it!
A magical forest. I think the carving from your Spring Forest post would fit wonderfully here :)
As for the swamp: when I was a child I visited just such a place with my brothers (we lived in the foothills of the Shawangunk Mountains). There was a pool of mud there that acted like quicksand and swallowed up just about anything. The picture brings back memories.
Great photo essay.
Oh ... you gave me one idea. I have some more shots of the wild forest and some masks carved from the old tree that can be displayed together. I will have to try.
The swamp is a very interesting place. This is a different life. It can be dangerous for humans, but it’s interesting and beautiful in its own way:-)