FungiFriday - before the season ends

in Fungi Lovers4 years ago

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For some of you the mushroom season is about to start, for me it is slowly going to an end. With the warmer weather approaching the rains will stop and everything that is not constantly watered will dry up.

But until then...

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Mushrooms rule!

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The small area I sometimes go to have mostly pines and some bushes growing. Perfect for the shroomsies to hide between fallen needles and small plants.

All of those were shot in the same place and within one walk. When I get the timing right there is so many of them I almost don't know what to shoot.
So I shoot them all :)

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My contribution to #FungiFriday by @ewkaw

I hope many of you will join as there are only 2 simple rules:

  • when Friday comes post your own, original photo/drawing/art/food/anything-at-all of any type of fungi (yes, I will check and report stolen images!)

  • That's all :)add #FungiFriday tag (it doesn't have to be your first tag)

Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos, graphics and text are my own.

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 51 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Nice shots! Apparently, the morels are popping up around here; at least according to all the folks on the Facebooks. I don't know. I've never found one.

I have never ever saw any morels. I wish though... Would have to find out if they actually do grow around here and where.

beautiful mushrooms, your photography is perfect ........

Thank you :)


wow cool ... looks so beautiful

Thanks! :)

I just need to mention that the toads need to wait...maybe easter is not the appropriate time to post nsfw animal posts lol...I will make a toad tuesday or toad thursday post out of it ;)....ummmmm nice funghis 😁...

Put some ears on them and make them look like humping Easter bunnies.
Easter bunnies are good.
Its a tradition.
Very advisable to have Easter bunnies!


Nobody does fungus like you. :)) Shall I sing, "It's over" to you? I never thought I would use this phrase, but, your fungus is beautiful.

your fungus is beautiful


Thank you Denise! :)

:)) My pleasure!