in Fungi Lovers3 years ago

Hello fellow fungilovers, how are you and best wishes to all of us, so tonight I want to share three different mushroom objects with all of you and I hope you like them.


Before entering the discussion I want to tell you a little about mushrooms. Mushrooms in general are able to grow in the first two places, namely the fungus can grow on moist soil, the second fungus can grow on rotten wood. Each of these mushrooms has a different place of growth, therefore the names of mushrooms are divided into two kinds, some call it fungus and some call it mushroom. From the two names, each of them has different characteristics, namely Fungi is a perennial plant that has a cell wall shape so that its size and shape do not change. While mushroom is a plant that has small flesh and fruit, the original nature of mushrooms is a plant belonging to a parasitic plant, they can grow by threatening other plants to death, this is in stark contrast to fungi, Fungi are plants that can grow by themselves without any threat to other plants.

From these two characteristics it looks very different but many people now do not know the difference between fungi and mushrooms. Maybe this article from me can help all of my friends to be able to distinguish between the two types of their characteristics. Thank you.

Here are some pictures of mushrooms that I found a few days ago along with their explanations.

The first mushroom Mycena acicula (the orange mushroom)


Mycena acicula is a fungus that belongs to the kingdom fungi, another name for the orange hat mushroom. The naming of the name comes from the color and characteristics. This fungus grows on moist soil and with a relatively long height compared to other species. This mushroom can be eaten by humans and is also good for health, not only that this mushroom can also be used as herbal medicine to be able to cure itchy and spotty skin. However, because the shape and size are too small, many people ignore it because it is too difficult to find.

The fungus is growing in grass bushes in the fields so it is very difficult to find it, this fungus can grow without favorable weather. The formation of yellow stems is caused by the presence of excessive sunlight and basically the color of the stems has a faded yellow color. Here are some pictures of these mushrooms.








The color of the mushroom is very stunning especially to be used as a photographic object. This mushroom has a stem length of about 1 cm with a hat diameter of about 2 mm. Other species also grow in the same way, it's just the color that sets them apart.

Second mushroom Sparassis crispa (coral reef mushroom)


Mushroom Sparassis crispa is one of the mushrooms that is very similar to coral reefs. This mushroom is very rare and this is the first time I have seen it, it has its own uniqueness, which is different from other types of mushrooms. This mushroom is very different from the mushrooms we usually see starting from its shape and characteristics. The shape of this mushroom is round and pointed. This mushroom also comes from the kingdom fungi. This fungus grows that is between the crevices of dead twigs, they grow very much, other species of the fungus are white and reddish.

The formation of the mushroom petals is irregular, making this fungus very similar to the original coral reef. The width of the petals of this mushroom is 1.4 cm and consists of several colors. The fungus has very fine white dust in the crevices, at first I thought the white dust was just dirt but after I blew the dust it grew more and more and would never end. Here are some pictures of these mushrooms.










The mushroom has white and yellow colors, another use of the mushroom is that it can be used as a home for small insects. This mushroom I found in a very deep forest.

The third mushroom Marasmius siccus (small mushroom)


Mushroom lovers around the world may be familiar with these mushrooms. Yes, the fungus is the Marasmius siccus fungus which comes from the kingdom fungi and also belongs to the family Marasmiaceae. This fungus is able to grow very much if the weather is favorable, this fungus grows on dry leaves and they can grow so much that the leaves are covered by its presence. This mushroom grows to a relatively long height, but if you look at my picture, this mushroom may be longer than the size I set. This mushroom has its original size which is about 1 cm with a width of about 1.2 mm petals. Another species of this fungus is brown in color and has thick and hard petals. Here are some pictures of these mushrooms.












The difference between young mushrooms and mature mushrooms is that the color of the young mushrooms is more of a dark yellow color while the adult mushrooms have a yellow color and their heads are open and orange to reddish in color. This fungus can grow in humid forests especially with rainy weather that supports so that they can grow perfectly. Here are some pictures of these mushrooms.

Based on the explanation about my mushrooms above, I only explain based on my knowledge and I hope you can recognize it, so that's it from me, thank you and see you next time.

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beautiful and stunning captures. The 'coral fungus' looks incredibly awesome! thank you for sharing those great macros.